Isaiah 30:21"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
I guess I have never really been faced with a 'big decision' in my life. I went to Georgetown College because they offer awesome scholarships to Scott County residents. God made it more than clear to me when i was a freshman there to major in nursing. I was a tech at UK all through nursing school, and so switching to the nursing role was the logical next step. Deciding to marry Philip was a no-brainer. When we bought our house, God worked in an amazing series of events that proved to us this was what He wanted. So up until now, decisions haven't been hard for me. I think God knows I need Him to spell things out for me.
But something came up this week that caused me to stop and evaluate my life. To ask myself if we are in God's will at this moment. And i'm not going to get into what came up, but I am going to share my heart and things I have learned over the past several days. because this time God didn't spell it out for me. I think this time He wanted me to seek him more than I have in the past.
The most important thing that was shown to me, is what an amazing feeling it is to
know you are right where He wants you to be. and in knowing that, you start to seek out opportunities He is trying to give to you, that you might miss if you werent paying attention. So I am trying to pay better attention.
Something else is the concept that when making a decision, Satan specializes in the urgent. This is exactly what happened to me and I have never dealt with it before. I let the fear of 'if I dont seize this opportunity now, I might not get another like it' take over me. but two people I respect so much, offered me that advice and told me that was the wrong way to think (thank you Jordan &Rachel).
Jordan also told me not to make a decision that you don't have peace about. to let the opportunity go. When I was thinking about 'what if I did this' I had anxiety. majorly. and that didn't feel like peace to me:) But it's hard to make a decision when your heart is torn. And when you know the decision you are going to make is going to make you feel so sad and so disappointed. but yet it is what God is telling you to do, right now.
Lastly, I was taught that first and foremost, God wants me to Philip's wife. That no matter what, that comes first to us (and vice versa that Philip's top priority is to be my husband). As a couple, we learned that no decision will be made that will affect our marriage and who we are to each other. And right now that looks different to us than it does to most couples. because the thing that is the hardest in our marriage right now, is time. and so anything that affects the time we do have together, is going to impact our marriage negatively. Give us 14 more months and we will be singing a different tune! (goodbye residency!)
So no, there are not going to be any big changes in the Overall family at this time. God wants us right where we are right now, and we are at peace with that. We are still trying to work out what life will look like for us when Philip is done with his residency, but we have time to figure all of that out. God has blessed us so much and we can't wait to see how he is going to use us in that next phase of our lives:)
*I'm sorry I am being vague, but I am not sure who all reads this, so I don't want to get into details.