Thursday, March 17, 2011


Most of you know I don't like keeping secrets. I love sharing news with people. and when it comes to my personal life, I like for everyone to know everything. some people don't really love that about me, but for better or worse that's how I am:)
So anyway, when Philip came home and told me he had been asked to be administrative chief, I was SO SO EXCITED! but I couldnt tell anyone! gosh it was so hard because I was so proud of him and so happy for him, and I just had to sit on it.
Well, today was match day and subsequently the day they announced next years chiefs! Philip will be the administrative chief, Marshall will be the academic chief and Janelle the recruiting chief. Congrats you all!
What this means for Philip: he will make the residents schedules, attend faculty meetings, contribute to being the liaison between other programs, orient off service residents to the ER, and other responsibilities that go along with this new role. what this means to me: 2 shift reduction a month and a little more control over his schedule. (although he tells me it really means his schedule will be worse. I choose to think otherwise right now).
I am so proud of my husband. He works so hard and is so committed to his job. I love it when patients tell me 'how wonderful that Doctor Overall' is. I just smile:)
He definitely deserves this. I know he will do a wonderful job:)
thoughtfully sweet sweets from Meg & B!


Kari said...

Yay! Congratulations to the two of you!!!

Blissfully Burton said...

YAY! It's out of hiding! :) Glad he enjoyed his {and your} treat. We are looking forward to him having more time as well so we can do more things with you both! :)