Friday, December 21, 2012

33 weeks

We are moving right along! We knew these last few weeks were going to fly by; with the holidays and get togethers and everything. She is going to be here so soon!!! 

size: she is the size of a pineapple. 19-22 inches and could be 4.9 lbs! I have had several people tell me they had their baby at 33 weeks and I am like 'holy crap' she could come at any time! 
what is going on with Ainsley: she might 'drop' soon but she certainly hasn't yet. Her feet are all up in my ribs making it hard for momma to breathe:) Her liver is capable of producing some waste (but not fully formed yet). Her fingernails are at the end of her little fingers and will probably scratch her delicate skin once she comes out:) (dont worry we are prepared with baby mittens!) She is pretty active and moves around a lot. She sleeps a lot when I am working, I think the constant movement lulls her to sleep, or maybe i'm just too busy to notice her moving. 
I couldn't resist. how cute is this baby skirt with little bloomers underneath?! 
what is going on with me: I have been sick several mornings this week (the work bathroom has welcomed me back). I am done thinking 'this week will be the week I feel better' and have started thinking 'i will stop puking in 7 weeks':) 
I tried to describe to Philip how I am feeling right now. This is what I told him: "stick a beach ball, weighted down with about 20 lbs, up your shirt. carry it around all day and have it pull on your back and abdominal muscles all day. have people come up to you and tell you they can't believe you have 7 more weeks you look so big.  come home, drink a bottle of hot sauce, a gallon of water, then try to get comfortable in bed while your esophagus burns, your bladder feels like it might burst and the beach ball makes it impossible to find a comfortable way to sleep. then add to that the fact that your legs seem to have become eternally restless.". :) I guess I should say i'm just kidding. but i'm not. that's really how I feel:) but it's worth all of that and so much more, so it is all ok:) 
I now pick things up with my toes and feet around the house. it's not worth trying to bend over anymore:) 

cravings: puppy chow (duh)

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