Monday and a goldfish
Life with a toddler is never boring. Ainsley cracks us up at the things she says and does. and sometimes the laughing turns to frustration and anger, but that seems to be all part of it. sometimes she's the sweetest little girl , sometimes she makes you want to smack her. sometimes she listens, sometimes she doesn't. and sometimes she does something that makes you think 'what in the heck what she thinking'.
Mondays are always long for me. We have activities tues, wed and thurs mornings but nothing planned on mondays. So making it to the end of a monday is always an accomplishment. i did it! i kept a newborn alive and a toddler entertained for 12+ hours. go me!
So Monday night, Ainsley and I were watching Peter Pan before bed time. she gets to watch 15-20 minutes of a movie of her choice at night before bed. So we were sitting on our bed, ainsley having a snack and watching a movie. When she looks at me and says ' it's stuck mommy. the goldfish is stuck'. I looked at her and inquired as to where it was stuck. and she replied with ' in my nose'. I took a deep breath. and then proceeded to look up her nostril where I did in fact see a goldfish. how much of a goldfish I could not tell. and she was not very forthcoming with the information. I attempted to touch it but it was too far back. and ainsley doesn't really know how to 'blow out' of her nose. when you tell her to she only manages to suck air UP. so when I would tell her to blow her nose, she was just sucking it farther back up. she was looking at me and asking me to 'get it out please mommy'. So for first time ever I had to call Philip at work (like on the department phone because he didn't answer his cell phone). And philip said I might need to bring her to him, in Morehead, so he can get it out. y'all, it is 845 at night. My 2 month old is asleep. it's pouring rain. and it's a monday.
I take her in the bathroom and occlude her other nostril and show her how i want to blow out her nose. she tries several times unsuccessfully. but then all of a sudden seems to get it and a soggy goldfish comes flying out of her nose. she screams "i did it! it's out! i'm all better!" and proceeds to ask for a band aid. I'm so happy at the crisis averted. and then I hear Parker has woken up from his sister screaming…
but the goldfish is out. and the baby went back to sleep. and ainsley left her clothes on all night that night. so we survived Monday… barely ;)
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