Saturday, July 20, 2024

My Sweet Maya

My sweet Maya. We got her from Pet Smart the week we got back from our honeymoon in Mayan Riviera. hence her name. Philip didn’t want me to be lonely while he was still in residency and gone for days at a time. And Maya was the perfect solution. She was such a playful kitty. And she was always “mine”. We got Jackson a few months later and she was not happy. She liked being princess of the house. She felt the same way when Ainsley came home from the hospital, and again with Parker. And she really hated when Maxwell entered the picture. She would have been perfectly content for it to be just me and her. 

The kids have always had such a longing for Maya to love them. They would beg for me to catch her and let them hold her and pet her and Maya would be miserable the whole time. But they persisted. 

Wednesday when we got back from holiday world, after the kids were in bed and Maya came out (she always waited until they were in bed), i could tell she was sick. I picked her up and loved on her and stroked her very swollen belly. I cried and cried and Philip came down and we just loved on her. She laid next to me as she did every night, curled up against my side. And the next morning i took her to the vet. He called and said she had fluid in her belly, he was able to get a sample and if had blood in it. Meaning there is probably a tumor pushing somewhere. He said we could do ultrasounds and more research but it wouldn’t change the outcome. I asked if i could bring her home and he said i could, but he didn’t recommend it. So the kids and I went up and said our goodbyes (Philip was at work). We sobbed over her and kissed on her and told her how much we loved her. It was gut wrenching as the kids just cried and i cried and we passed her off to the kindest vet. 

We know you’re in heaven with Jaxy now. Probably glaring at him and swatting at him like you liked to do. I hate coming down the stairs at night and now having you sitting there waiting for me to go to bed. I miss having you curled up next to me. 14 years is a long time to have someone with you every night who loves you unconditionally. We will always miss you sweet Maya. 

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