Well, I thought quarantine life was lifting, but alas the number of cases is rising again and we are back to being cautious about who and what we are around. Philip feels strongly that wearing masks and social distancing will keep the numbers from spreading like wildfire, so that is what our family is doing. We have spent lots of time with our family and the kids have loved the cousin time they are getting.
Mom, Anna Jo, me and the kids ventured to McConnells Springs for a little hike.
Baby Charlotte is getting cuter every day and we love getting to see her.
My best friend came in for the week before we left for the beach!
We spend a lot of time in Georgetown either at Matt & Rachel's pool, Nanny & Pop's, or Auntie Jo's.
We spent the 4th at the pool, then at Anna Jo's for fireworks that night. Matt and Philip put on a great show (again) and even though it was a late night it was well worth it.
We also took a trip to Lake Barkley with the Burton family. We stayed in one of Megan's friend's lake house (which was beyond nice) where we could swim in the pool and fish from their dock. Everyone got along well and we all had a great time.
Our neighborhood pool opened! Since it is considered private, it was allowed to open to limited capacity. We have been going in the morning on week days when it isn't crowded and the kids can burn off some energy.
We took the boat out and convinced the Birdwhistell family to take a sick day and come with us:)
We also met up with the Sarlls boys for a bike ride.
We are just doing our best over here. Making decisions that are best for our family and our circumstances, while attempting to balance seeing people we trust and feel comfortable being around (outside and apart as best as we can).
Parker's preschool announced they will not be opening back up in 2020, which we are pretty heart broken about. This is an odd time we are living in and we are still waiting Fayette County to make a decision on what school will look like in the fall.
Thankfully we know our Lord has us in His hands and He is in complete control.