Monday, September 18, 2017

Life Lately

We are settling into "back to school routine" over here. Ainsley is loving preschool and is learning to write her name better and better. Parker is adjusting (I think). They go Tues/Thurs mornings and are just down the road from our house. 

BSF has started back on Wednesday mornings- we are studying Romans this year. I have 16 women in my group and I am really excited about this year. The Lord is already working! 

So that leaves Friday-Monday for us to to have no schedules and still enjoy being. We have been to the Orchard, played at the Y, went hiking with Bubby&fam, and hung out at home. 

Last weekend we met everyone at Festival of the Horse. The parade was subpar but the rides, food and company were not:) 

Our family life looks a lot different than it did this time last year. Philip becoming director has really been so great for us. He is home a lot more, especially in the evenings. It's been refreshing and strengthening for us as a couple and as parents. We were able to volunteer together at Jesus Prom this past weekend, which was incredible to do together. We were assigned to the medical room and were  pretty busy, which we both enjoyed. 

Thank you Uncle Steve and Aunt Teri for watching our babies so we could do that! 

Hoping the cool weather comes back and sticks this time- so tired of the heat for the year! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Preschool // first and last year

I am sort of crazy. I couldn't sleep last night I kept playing scenarios in my head of Parker busting his face on the playground or jumping off a table and breaking a bone. Or crying for ma-ma the whole 3 hours of school. Crazy. Rest assured the day went smoothly and I was chomping at the bit to pick them up. 

Ainsley was beyond excited to go. When I asked Parker if he was excited he said "no. Home". So I was a little apprehensive about how he would do. I am so grateful for their teachers. Ainsleys teacher texted me a picture of her tracing her name and parkers teacher texted me "you're boy is doing amazing!". So thankful they knew I needed that. 

When I picked them up, Parkers teacher said "he did great. He is for sure a wild man". Yes, we know. And Ainsley said "mommy I toot tooted in school. And I didn't say excuse me". So I think that's a pretty good day:) 

Parker hit the door to home and melted down. Wanted his security items, all of them. Blanky, chewbaba, and his baba. He wanted to be held and didn't want to eat. Poor guy:( I'm sure it was a lot for him. Especially being the youngest in his class. 
Looking forward to this year and all they will experience there, but also struggling that they are both in preschool. How is that possible?! 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Birthday // 35

This was one of my better birthdays I've had. It was full of family, friends, and husband time. As I was thinking back on the weekend I realized just how blessed I am to have the people I have in my life. I love them all so much in so many different ways.

The morning of my birthday Philip brought my present in and it was a new phone. He decided the cracks in my old one (that had already been repaired twice) were ready to go. Then he told me that he had planned an overnight trip for us in Cincinnatti! He had dinner reservations, had arranged for my parents to keep the kids, and for Donielle to take care of Jackson. I was so excited!!!! 
When the kids got up they brought me their special gifts. Philip had taken them to the dollar store and let them pick out gifts for me. I love this tradition and it always cracks us up what the pick up. My favorite were what Ainsley calls "pink party cups" aka shot glasses. Parker of course picked me out lots of balls. 

Then we all ate sprinkled doughnuts for breakfast. 

We dropped the kids at my parents and headed up to our hotel. We checked in and took our time getting ready then walked to Jeff Ruby's for the best meal I have ever had. Every bite was delicious. From there we went to the casino since it was pouring rain. 

We were still in bed by 1030 and amazingly I slept until 820 (which I can never do!). We grabbed brunch at Taste of Belgium and that too was delicious. 
It was so nice being just husband and wife for a night. We focus so much on kids and the chaos of them, we forget to invest in each other sometimes. It was refreshing and good for us. I am grateful for my parents who allowed us to spend that time together. And for Philip who was thoughtful enough to plan it. 

That night was my annual birthday cookout at my parents. We got there in time to help clean up the house from Tornado Overall Kids. We wrapped hot dogs and got everything ready for the family to come over. My cookout always consists of famous hotdogs and homemade ice cream:) 

Last night several of my friends from BSF came over. They each made a dish of something they know I love and we all pigged out (are you seeing a theme here- I love food). We sat on the back porch after the kids were asleep and talked and ate. It was so nice and relaxing. 

Again, thank you so much to each of you. Yes- you. You made my birthday special and you know that means a lot to me. You also know I still have some celebrating left in my birthday month!