
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Our Christmases

It's CHRISTMAS! My absolute most favorite time of the whole entire year!

We started our celebrations with Christmas at Joy’s. We always make breakfast for dinner and Santa really spoils every one of us. It is always blissfully chaotic trying to keep the kids from ripping open presents while trying to watch what others are opening. But it's fun and Joy is so good at putting thought into her gifts. 

Ainsley got a balance beam and a bed/desk for Mary Ellen. Parker is firing up his new grill and making us some burgers.

Parker got a shark blanket and wore it all night, even slept in it,  and spent the following days chomping people.

The next morning was Christmas "eve" service at church. Ainsley came to big church with us and her and Anna Beth really enjoyed the singing, lights, and of course candles. We took up an entire row with our family and it was fabulous. 

After that we went to Uncle Steve and Aunt Teri’s for Budde Christmas. Teri made sliders that were delicious and we had such a good time laughing, opening presents, and enjoying each other's company.
the girl's "headphones" from Aunt Ellen

The next day was Christmas Eve and we had the annual brunch at Aunt Annies house. You know i love that brunch and all that yummy food.

Parker was asleep before we hit the interstate coming home.

That afternoon we celebrated with Dana, Brian & Lindsay. The kids loved playing with their new gifts and Uncle Bri really surprised me by making me a gift with very discreet wrapping.

That night we had two gifts under the tree to be opened Christmas Eve, and the kids tore into new board games. We enjoyed Trouble and Star Wars Operation. Then the kids sprinkled reindeer food outside and set out cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and Rudolph.

Ainsley left a note for Santa and he left her one back! 

The next morning Philip and I were up before the kids anxiously waiting to see them bust out of their rooms. Ainsley was first, and threw open Parker's door telling him Santa had come! Parker rolled over and was not having it. kid does not like being woken up. But then he heard that his shark had come and that did it. I'm pretty sure they could have played with their "Santa" toys the rest of the day and been content.

look at this fabulous onesie/wearable blanket my husband got me
We were lazy that morning- snacking, playing with new gifts, Nanny&Pop came by. Then we loaded up, picked up GG, and headed to Mom and Dad's. Nanny seemed to know just what each kid (big and small) would love. We had a delicious dinner and then played our new games. The kids had a blast and left tired and oh so happy.

Every year Christmas gets better and better and means more and more. We are so blessed with amazing family and friends and we hope we show our love for them all year. Thank you to each of you who make our lives brighter. 
Merry Christmas 2018

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