
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Shenanigans

The weeks before Christmas were so fun and full of lots of family time. Parker had his Christmas program at school and actually did well! We had no idea what to expect based on past concerts but he sang and did the motions - which is rare for an Overall kid! 
His hand is in his pocket protecting his hot wheels cars he was instructed to keep there. 

That night we had the Annual Overall Christmas Party at our house. I only got a picture of the food which is what happens every year. BUT it was a lot of fun and a good time was had by all. Also JC stole the baby Jesus from my nativity and then wrapped it up for dirty Santa. Insert eye roll. 

Parker finished his first basketball season the next morning while Ainsley cheered him on from the sidelines. He received a trophy and told me he wanted to “play his team again”. 

The Brix family came in from GA and we had Christmas with them at Auntie Jos. Ainsley let Makayla pull her loose tooth which shocked me because she wouldn’t let me near it.

Ainsley still had 3 days of school but they were an exciting 3 days for her. The “elves” took over her school each morning. One morning they took over the intercom and sang songs and decorated the lobby tree with underwear. Then they left a trail of cereal all down the hallways. And the last morning they brought a freakin petting zoo in! 

Philip, Parker and I volunteered at our churches Christmas store- and what an awesome experience. People slept in the parking lot to get tickets to shop for their families. 

It was so awesome and humbling to see people so happy to be able to give their children Christmas gifts. And the amount of donations was just crazy. 

A few more pictures of our time leading up to our Christmases: 

We love having both kids home ( well most the time) and getting to enjoy time family.

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