
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Football, Valentines and Hair

We had people over for the second annual Overall Super Bowl Party. Every year we accumulate more and more kids and the chaos grows and grows haha:) I can honestly say I did not see one play or even one commercial. I did, however, eat more than my share of Ryan's stuffed jalapeƱos. 
Ainsley had her three year check up and she did great:) it was her first "big girl" check up. All 4 of us went, since i had to head into work after her appointment. Dr Nelson was very impressed and happy with her. and she was happy she didn't have to get any shots this time. 
She weighed in at 28.4 lbs (25%) and 37 1/2 inches (54%). 
Ainsley also had "doughnuts with Dad" at school, and Pop went as her date. They of course both loved it, even though Philip was sad to miss out. 
 The same day she had her Valentine party at school and came home with lots of sweet Valentines. She gave her friends swirly straws (her favorite). 
She also got her first "haircut" and by haircut I mean Donielle cut maybe an inch of hair. total. Ainsley just had this really long piece in the back and it had to be cut. And it took me days to get her to agree to getting it cut. So we eased into it with just a very small trim:) That night she laid in bed and I watched her pull the back of her hair checking to see how much was gone. 
Valentines Day weekend we just hung out at home, spent Saturday in Georgetown, we went to church then enjoyed being snowed in. Philip worked all weekend but did bring his girls special doughnuts Saturday morning. 
Parker has become the happiest sweetest little baby and I could cuddle and laugh with him all day (not that his sister would let that happen:) ). With the exception of last night he has been sleeping much better and we are all on the upswing from the cold that took over each of us this week! 
poor Parker was crying and Ainsley's solution was that he needed stamps 

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