
Sunday, February 21, 2016

6 months!

Happy Half Birthday Little Man!!! 
His personality is starting to come out a little bit and we are thoroughly enjoying his sweet smile and infectious giggle. 
Weight: 17lbs 13 oz (56%) 
Length: 27.5 in (82%) 
OFC: 44.5 cm (69%)

size: he is wearing 6, 9 month or 6-9 month clothes. Wears size 2 diapers and size 3 at night. Once this box of size 2s are done we will move up to 3:) 

nicknames: P-man, lil buddy, ParkerDoodle, my sweet boy 
physical: his eyes are still blue. His hair is starting to come in thicker and is a light brown sometimes blonde. He still has no teeth but chews on everything. 
eating: We are moving on up in the food department! He has now had sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, carrots and squash. He LOVES food and if you eat around him he just watches you from hand to mouth. He is taking 6 ounce bottles at 7,10,1245ish, 4 and 745. He has started taking 7 ounces before bed and sometimes before nap. 
sleeping: he is back to sleeping most of the night. He goes to bed around 8 and wakes up around 5 but will go back to sleep with his paci until 630-7am. He takes a nap in the morning and then a big nap from 1-4 in afternoon. He usually stays awake until bedtime in the evenings. He sleeps in his crib in his zippadee on his stomach. 

his biggest milestone this month is that he can sit up *almost* by himself. He topples over some but for the most part can sit there and play. 
He loves blowing raspberries 
He LOVES to laugh and giggle. Ainsley has even started trying to make him laugh which makes my heart almost burst. 
he chews on everything. his fingers, your fingers, whatever he can get his hands on
He loves his daddy- his whole face lights up when he sees him and he tracks him around the room whenever he can. 
I am so in love with this little boy. He makes me so happy and I can't believe he is already 6 months old. 

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