
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

more pumpkins and family

We had some more fall fun and fun with pumpkins:)
Last Thursday, Ainsley went on her first field trip and it was to Evans Orchard (our favorite!). She has a season pass so feels very comfortable there, which made it hard to keep her reigned in. Lucky for me, mom and aunt ellen met me there and took Parker so I could focus on being with (chasing) Ainsley. Plus I got to visit with the other moms and get to know them a little better (thank you all!!)  
a tour on how they make apple cider 
tasting the cider 
snack time with her class  
picking out her pumpkin
 That evening, Philip's family from Michigan arrived for a weekend visit. We celebrated Brian's birthday at our house sans Philip (he had to work). Everyone got to meet Parker and love on him. 
Uncle Bri let her stick her hands in the icing…. 
Friday night we had dinner at Joy's house (sans poor Philip again) and then saturday the crew came back to our house to watch the Michigan/Michigan State game and have dinner. I was upstairs when I heard a profane word yelled out of Uncle Ted's mouth- thus telling me his team did not win. We had such a good time visiting with Grape Grandma, Papa, Uncle Ted, Aunt Carol, Danielle and Taylor. Ainsley was a little unsure of (terrified may be a better word) of Uncle Ted for some reason. But after a gift of Sven the reindeer and some fist and elbow bumps, she warmed up on their last night here. Ainsley had so much fun playing with everyone, especially papa. We wish they lived closer as we always love spending time with them. Philip was disappointed he couldn't get more time off to spend with them. 
walking with papa and grandma's canes. the next morning she woke up and said "my black and pink candy canes are all gone mommy. I need to have them back" in a pitiful voice. it took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about. 
Last night we had a fun family night of carving an extra big pumpkin I picked up at the orchard. I wanted a big one so I could do this with it …
Philip and Ainsley scooped out the insides and saved the seeds. I toasted the seeds and ainsley actually liked them! Then Philip carved the pumpkin and Ainsley watched. 
Yay for Fall time in the Bluegrass:) 
Oh, and when we checked on Ainsley yesterday morning this is what we saw on the monitor: 
Totally naked. pjs off. night time diaper, off. sleeping. she was very proud of herself and couldn't stop laughing when we went to get her up. :)

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