
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

2 months

 I have officially fallen in love with another boy. I could kiss his cheeks off I love him so much. 
2 month stats
Weight:11lbs 15 oz (56%) one ounce away from 12:) 
Height: 23 1/4in (62%) 
OFC: 40cm (51%) 

size: he is in 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. he didn't stay in newborn very long:( 

eat/sleep: currently he starts his day around 7am. he takes 4-4.5 oz every 3 hours during the day (sometimes he will only take 3 or 3.5). he still typically only stays awake 1-1.5 hours at a time. He falls asleep around 830 pm and we dream feed him at 10. from there he sleeps until 3 or 4am. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night, but he is wide awake at that time and it takes me about an hour to get him back to sleep. he is currently sleeping in his rock n play in the living room. we swaddle him at night and use white noise. once he is sleeping all night we will transition to his room and then his crib.
even SuperMan needs his sleep 
physical: eyes are still blue but not the baby grey, they are lightening up some. not sure what color they will be! 
he has some curl to the top of his head and i love it. he is starting to get hair on the lower half of his head finally, looking less like an old grandpa:) he has a widows peak and a cowlick on his right side:) 
his cheeks are starting to get chubby:) 
baby curl
new things
best thing this month: he smiles! such a sweet sweet smile 
he is so happy in the mornings. he just grins and grins. its a great way to wake up for sure. 
he is still fussy a lot of evenings but not nearly as bad as he was the first month. 
he likes to lay on his back and half roll side to side (so happy he will let us lay on him back now!) 
his happy place is his swing, preferably so he can see out the window 
he loves lights 
he loves when he can see ainsley and she talks to him. this doesn't happen all the time, but if she's in a good mood she is very sweet to him. otherwise she prefers not to be too close to him or let you hold him. 
he is tracking people as they move in front of him
he does NOT like to be messed with. I put coconut oil on his face and scalp (cradle cap/acne) and he HATES it. 
he loves bath time 
so happy sister shared her hippo with him
first tie- to church 
month 2 has been much more enjoyable for us. he is starting to develop his little personality and he seems much happier, which makes us happy. it really makes my heart hurt at how big he is already. if he is our last baby, i want him to slow down and not get too big too fast so I can soak it up.
happy two months little man! We love you so much. 

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