
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Birthday # 33

I just barely snuck baby #2 in while I was 32 years old:) 
Now I am 33 and I am one happy but tired momma. 

Yesterday was one of the more tired days we have had around the Overall household. Parker seems to have his days and nights mixed up and was staying up crying for hours in the wee hours of the morning. Philip and I have just been exhausted. BUT, my sweet husband made yesterday so special (as he always does). He always has a way of spoiling me in just the right ways. I am so thankful for the husband and daddy he is to our family. 
Ainsley came in my room that morning and jumped on the bed saying 'Happy birthday Mommy!' and handed me a funny card from her and Parker. Philip and Ainsley made me blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes and they were delicious. 
After that, we all 4 went to Ainsley's preschool orientation and then came home and took a family nap:) 
My mom came over and took parker so that Philip and I could sleep while Ainsley was sleeping. 

That night we grilled out and had everyone to our house to eat birthday dinner. Parker cried through the whole dinner, being passed from one set of hands to the other so we could all get a chance to eat. 

We weren't very hopeful going to sleep last night, but little man got the memo it was my birthday and slept from 730-1215-415-845. and the best part: he didn't scream bloody murder for hours after he ate. prayer answered! philip and I feel like new people today after having gotten some decent stretches of sleep. God is so faithful. and I know that might sound corny to some of you, but God cares about things you think are too small for Him to care about. He cares when you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open and you have a toddler who just wants to play. He cares and He listens. 

soo- best birthday present came from Parker- who would've guessed:) 
parker and ainsley signing my card :) 
birthday celebration with Joy, Brian and Lindsay. We had my traditional birthday meal of brats, potato pancakes, and Joy's famous green beans. yumm. and Ainsley loved getting to open all the presents:) 
sweet flowers from hubs 
possibly one of the best gifts ever- hard copies of my blog. each book is a different year containing every blog I wrote that year. yes, I cried when I opened it. such a special special present :) 
Praying tonight goes as well as last night went! 

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