
Friday, August 28, 2015

One Week

Happy one week little man!

You have had an eventful first week of life. You spent the first five mornings at the doctors office having your bilirubin checked. It was 6.1 at hospital, 10.2 Sunday, 12 Monday, 14.4 Tuesday, 14.6 wednesday and 15.4 Thursday :( each time they told us to keep doing what we were doing and on Tuesday they said you needed to get home and sun bathe:) they are giving us today off and we go back Saturday morning for another blood test. Prayers that it is on the decline. The doctor isn't worried but momma sure is. 
you have been such a good baby. I have to wake you and feed you every 3 hours while your Bili is still high, but you would sleep longer if we let you. (Looking forward to that!)

You hate having your diaper changed. Or clothes changed. Or being messed with in any way really. You just sort of want to chill and are very vocal when we are doing something to you you don't like. 
Tuesday night you had your first sponge off. I really just wanted to wash your hair before your pictures:) 
Your sister doesn't like it when you cry and says "I have to close my ears". She says " he don't want to" every time we change your diaper. She has started carrying around her baby doll, changing her diaper, burping her and putting her to mommy to eat:) She told us "Parker is my best friend" which melted our hearts. 
You got your newborn pictures taken and literally first pose, you peed all over me. Anxious to get them back and see how adorable we already know you are :) 
You have peed all over me , daddy and yourself countless number of times. Your belly seems to hurt you some but hoping you get that worked out soon.

The best pic from this week is you smiling for the first time. Kim was holding you and it seemed to correspond with Ainsley talking to you (whether it was or wasn't we like to think it was).

You also lost your umbilical cord:) Ainsley thought that was pretty cool. You however weren't impressed. 
And here are some pics from this first week :

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