
Sunday, February 2, 2014


 a sneak peek of her one year photos taken by Mary Maldonaldo Photography 
I can not believe I am writing her one year update. It makes me tear up just realizing how fast these 12 months have gone. The first twelve months of her little life have come, and gone. I just want to make the time go slower. to make myself appreciate things more. To love and cherish the 2 am wake ups and the hair pulling and things that annoy me now:) 
Because our lives have been forever and completely changed in the most amazing way possible. We have fallen in love and our hearts have been opened in ways that we didn't even know existed. I'm not saying it's easy or always enjoyable. But it IS always worth it. so worth it. 

 **her photo shoot this month was the worst yet! we did it the day after (her actual birthday was too busy!) and she had just bumped her head in the church nursery. we did have one year pictures taken by the same person who did my maternity pics, so I am hoping they turned out better :) 
height/weight: 20 lbs 8.2 oz (38%)
29 1/4 in (51%)
OFC: 45 1/2 (61%) 
my 12 month stats. I was smaller than ainsley! 
size: she is in 12 month clothes. size 3 diapers. 

nicknames: beanie, monster, tornado, stinker 

physical: her eyes have remained blue
she has a mullet but the sides are starting to grow out too to even it up a bit
she still only has 4 teeth, but I think her molars are working on coming in
her hair is a brownish red 
fell asleep in target. but look at the mullet. 
eating: she eats most anything that we do. still takes a bottle 4 times a day and eats a meal 2-3 times a day. she LOVES fruit and ravioli. she is definitely a carb girl. 
she loves ice chips and fights Jackson for pieces of ice 
she had shrimp for the first time, on her first birthday, and (sadly) loved it. her daddy is so happy 
sleeping: our rock star sleeper has lost her status this month. we have been so blessed  up until this point and don't know what to do with ourselves when she is up at 2 or 4 am haha. I don't know if it is her being sick for 2 weeks, or moving into the new house or teething- but she wakes up at least once a night screaming in her crib. She is fine when we pick her up and rock her, then screams when we lay her back down. We hear this is normal around this age, but geez! NOT FUN! 
but we can't complain. I know it could be way worse;) 
words: she says DaDa and Jackson with purpose. Philip thinks she says MaMa but if she does, it is not often. 

new things: 
she is into EVERYTHING. if we change something or put something new out, she notices immediately. 
loves trying to eat dog/cat food and putting her hands in their water bowls. 
loves being chased and playing peek a boo
still loves books and flap books. she will go to her book basket and pull out her flap books and bring them to us to read to her. she knows which ones she likes too 
she is hating her car seat. makes her body as stiff as a board and screams when we try to strap her in. it's pretty awesome 
she has started dancing. when music plays she squats up and down and claps 
she loves playing with jackson. she follows him around and pets him and they roll around on the floor together. she gets his bones and hands them to him. they are best friends:) she tries really hard to be friends with Maya but Maya is not having it 
She is obsessed with bath time still :)
she loves pushing things around on the floor: her rocking chair, baskets, chairs, laundry basket, etc. 
lowe's trip with Daddy 
Ainsley, for your second year of life I promise to stop and truly enjoy each little moment with you. To love you unconditionally and patiently. 
We are so blessed to be your parents and can't wait to experience the next year with you:) 

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