
Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Storm

I feel like I just survived something big. not a war, that's not the right word. storm maybe? like we have been in a boat, thrashed around in a severe storm the past week and finally the waves have calmed and we see the shore. yes that's more accurate.
 (maybe because it was this past week's bible study though- about Peter in the boat and walking on water. either way, it's a good picture painted. )

Tuesday I broke down and took Ainsley to her pediatrician. She needed a breathing treatment or something to help her breathe better. We spent an hour in the dr's office, getting her tested for RSV and getting a breathing treatment. You would have thought the sweet nurse (who i went to nursing school with) was sawing ainsley's leg off the way she screamed over having an oxygen mask held in front of her face. not even strapped on. just held there so she could breathe the medicine in. geeezz. 

she tested negative for RSV but was diagnosed with another form of bronchiolitis. she also said she was developing bilateral ear infections. she gave us an antibiotic for the ears and told me to just suction her out as much as I could. to keep her fever down with tylenol and motrin. that it was going to get worse before it got better. and it would last probably about 2 weeks. great;) looking forward to this! 
Of course this all happened when philip is scheduled to work 4 12 hours shift in a row (we see him a total of 40 minutes when he works back to back shifts), has one day off, then back to work. Single moms- I admire you soo much. I don't know how you do it on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. 
the second night ainsley was up from 11-4/5 I thought I was going to pull my hair out. It was 1 am and I was driving around the neighborhood in my hoodie and house shoes trying to get this child to just sleep. texting philip that I would rather work his 4 shifts than be here by myself. 

We tried to move some stuff one day while Philip was sleeping, but A wouldn't let anyone hold her except me. she would scream if they tried. at first it was sweet. about 24 hours in, not so much;) 
anyway, enough whining. we survived! she is almost back to normal. she played today finally. she would bring me books to read to her. she would play and then come lay her head on my shoulder. then play and come back. but at least she played. and no fever in 24 hours. she took her night time bottle for the first time in 4 nights tonight. we are making progress:) 

 We can see the shore and are about to jump out of this sickness boat and roll around in the sand:) 
Thank you thank you to my parents and family and friends who have helped me with her. or have been praying for her/me this week. It has made such a difference! 

oh, and this happened. 8 inches- chopped off and donated! 

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