
Sunday, December 1, 2013

10 months !!

10 months! 
Ok, i know I have said this before. ok, like, every month actually, but this month has been HUGE in development for her! I feel like she is actually communicating with us and developing her little personality little by little. We fall more and more in love with her with every new little thing she does (yes we are those parents) 
this cracks me up
her nativity scene
eating Mary 
height/weight: she hasn't been to the dr this month but she goes back on thursday for her flu booster shot so I will know then. probably between 19-20 lbs 
size: she is in 9 month or 9-12mo , and some 12 month clothes. 
of course she is sporting her Christmas gear, as often as I can :) :) 
nicknames: monster, beanie, big girl, stinker, Jo-Jo
physical: still blue eyes, hair lightening up to a brownish blonde. I think tooth #3 is FINALLY coming in on the top. but not in the middle like you would expect. 
eating: I'm not even sure I could list every new food she has had. it's been a free for all this month with her. If we are eating it, we give her a bite of it. of course she had turkey, ham and stuffing for thanksgiving. she had a bite of Uncle Brian's homemade pumpkin pie and homemade cream (best pie I have ever had in my life). she prefers fingers food so she can feed herself. most of the time she holds her own bottle now. she loves drinking water from her sippy cup (her Pop taught her how to use it). she takes 4 bottles a day, around 6-7 ounces each time. 
sleeping: daylight savings was not super fun for her but it only took a few days to get her back on her schedule. she had a cough for like a week and that messed with her sleep too, but nothing for us to complain about. she takes her bottle around 730, goes to bed and wakes up around 7-730. 
she usually still takes a morning nap and then a long afternoon nap. usually:) sometimes it requires me throwing her in the car for a little neighborhood drive to get her to sleep. I need that time as much as she does haha:) 
best nap buddies 
  • I am not sure we can say she is walking, but she has walked, if that makes sense. she has taken 10 steps before falling, but not consistently. she is getting good at balancing herself and walking from one place to the next. especially if you bribe her with her paci:) 
  • she can crawl up the steps all the way to the top. 
  • she loves waving at people. at the grocery store she practically sticks her hand in strangers faces and waves at them. luckily people think it's cute and wave back. 
  • she loves to clap 
  • she has started saying 'Da-Da' with purpose when philip is around. 
  • she loves loves loves books. she goes to her book basket and rifles through them until she finds her 'flap' books and then sits down and 'reads'. 
  • she loves chasing jackson around the house (philip flies her around) and giggles and giggles when he runs away from her. 
  • she ate her first snowball philip made her, which helped with that tooth coming in. 
  • she loves to unroll the toilet paper 
  • she loves crawling into the bathroom and standing there waiting for us to give her a bath
Philip's favorite picture :) 
*If you want to subscribe to the blog you can enter your email to the right and get notified when I post a new one. With Christmas coming up I am sure I am going to have lots to say and lots of pictures to post:) 


  1. so so so big!! Love the photo of her standing on the chair. Can not believe it. Her first Christmas will be amazing for all

  2. I think I recognize that green bow! And of course that's Philips fav. picture, I think it's mine too, I love her do!


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