
Friday, November 29, 2013


I wish I had done the '28 day of Thanksgiving'. Not necessarily on fb, but for my own benefit. I think listing your blessings makes your heart more grateful. I think praising God for everything, everything can change your whole being in an amazing way. My mom sends out daily devotionals and this was in the one on Thanksgiving day (if you haven't read this book you really should) : 
"In her classic autobiography, The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom tells of the time she and her sister went through Nazi inspections at a death camp. They were forced to suffer the humiliation of taking off their clothes. Corrie stood in line feeling forsaken, defiled, and desperate for answers. Suddenly she remembered that when He hung on the cross, Jesus too was naked.
During that seemingly degrading moment, Corrie was struck with a great sense of awe and worship to God. In her amazement of His holiness, she leaned forward and whispered to her sister, "Betsie, they took His clothes, too."  
Betsie gasped and said, "Oh, Corrie, I never thanked Him for that."  "
With that in mind, I am making an effort to be more of a thankful person. 
Our biggest blessing this year: 
We could not be more thankful for this sweet baby. 
Yesterday we went to Richmond to visit with Philip's Dad and brother. Ainsley got lots of play time and snuggles. From there we took the whole fam (Jax included) to my parents in Georgetown. We hung out and helped cook and then feasted that evening. The food was so so yummy as always. Ainsley got lots of QT with more of her sweet family.

santa hat made by GG 
In case you can't tell, Ainsley LOVES books. like will play with them and 'read' more than with toys. 
On our way home we dropped off plate'S' of food to Joy who had to work last night. Hope her dinner was just as yummy in the nurses station! 

I somehow convinced philip to let us put up the tree before thanksgiving. (that's usually his rule). But I argued thanksgiving was later than normal and so I was missing a whole week of christmas decorations! he caved-- yay!!! 
Ainsley's decorations in her room 
sorry she's naked, she was in the middle of putting on pjs when we turned her tree on and she started clapping for it
our annual tradition of drinking champagne as we put up tree 
and then make the cork into an ornmanet
ooh, a tree I can play with! 
a snowball made by daddy is the best remedy for a tooth coming in
Philip is off for a few days and we just love having him home with us. 
Tonight we are headed downtown for the lighting of the Christmas tree. So excited for this Christmas season to start!!! 

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