
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

8 months

Life has definitely changed in the last month! Baby Girl is now mobile and all. over. the. place:) we are loving this stage she is in. She is so much fun and such a little human! Her personality is starting to come out and her facial expressions MUST be photographed, every time;) And if it were possible, her chubby cheeks would be kissed off. I kiss them nonstop. 
*pics were very difficult this month. she would not sit still and kept pulling up on the chair and trying to crawl out* 
weight/height: we didn't go to the dr again this month but according to our home scale she is about 18.5 lbs.
size: she is still in 6 month or 6-9 month clothes. I am trying not to buy a lot of fall 6 month clothes because I know she wont be in them long, but I had to go buy some when the weather cooled down! 
wearing size 3 pampers swaddlers and size 3 pampers night time diapers
nicknames: beanie, monster, stinker, big girl 
physical: we can get her hair into pigtails! her hair is so long on the sides it looks so shaggy :) 
still a strawberry blondish color. 
her eyes are still a blue/grey
still just 2 teeth on the bottom (LOVE them) 
Survived hand foot and mouth disease like a champ! 
eating: since last month we have tried plums, cinnamon, peaches, puffs, yogurt melts, parsnips, mashed potatoes and Mum Mums:) she loves the Mum Mums. she hates the parsnips (whoever heard of them to begin with anyway). while I was at work one day, her daddy gave her some bites of his pickle, which he says she liked:) 
she is pretty much still on the same schedule with eating. her appetite has decreased even more since last month (of course having hand foot mouth didn't help that) She does good eating food, but is not loving her bottle that much. 
She also got some homemade strawberry ice cream at her Uncle Matt's birthday dinner 
We have tried the sippy cup but so far she isn't a huge fan. 
She does seem to like ice water from a straw. 
awesome bib made by aunt ellen. more pics soon! 
sleeping: she goes to bed around 730-8 and gets up between 7-745 usually. She has gone back to taking a morning nap around 10 and then an afternoon nap usually from 1-3. 
We had to put mesh bumpers around the crib because she knocks her paci out of her crib at night and cries until we go in her room, pick it up and give it back to her. I only had to go in there once last night and help her find her paci (it had fallen between cracks), so I am hoping these bumpers will help! When we tried the real bumpers all she wanted to do was pull them down and look over them. so at least she can see through these :) 
Just yesterday we had to lower the crib mattress because when I put her down for a nap I looked at monitor and found this: 

  • she is crawling! within the last few days she has put it all together and can move. for the past few weeks she has been 'army crawling' with her upper body to get around. then she started doing her 'downward dog' to inch forward. now she can actually crawl, but is still figuring it all out.
  • she can say Da-Da, Ta-Ta and supposedly has said Ma-Ma (philip heard her say it, but I didn't) 
  • if you kiss under her chin or blow rasberries on her belly she giggles and giggles 
  • she can stand at her activity table and play without much help 
  • she loves the Itsy Bitsy Spider and her face breaks out in a smile when I sing it (with motions)
  • she has a death grip she puts on my hair, usually the most tender pieces, and I am contemplating cutting it all off for this reason alone. 
  • she shakes her head back and forth really fast. almost like she's saying no-no-no, but of course isn't. 
  • she is constantly just watching people and things. 'figuring out the world' as philip calls it 
  • she 'gives kisses' on your cheek which is usually just a big slobbery mess, but we love it nonetheless 
  • getting a little stranger anxiety, but not crying/screaming or anything. just a little anxious around people she doesn't know that well
  • changing her diaper is almost impossible, she rolls and flips and won't stay still. 
  • she can go from her stomach to a sitting position
  • she waves, with both hands:) still figuring that one out too
  • she loves to empty her toy box out. over and over.
  • girl LOVES to crawl to Jackson's bone and try to chew on it
downward dog pose 
first pony ride!
I feel like every month we say has been 'the best', but seriously life with Ainsley is just getting so fun. She learns so many new things almost every day, and it is such a joy to watch her grow and learn and become a little person. We are so blessed to get to be her parents :) 
*for those who follow blog, Ainsley and I are both virus free and all better:) *

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