
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Virus Be Gone

in my last blog I told y'all how Ainsley had gotten a virus. well, it was hand-foot-mouth disease. it's a nasty, very contagious virus she caught from one of her sweet friends. She took it like a champ. her first spot came up on her foot on wed morning when my mom was watching her. Then the spots came out on her hands, her lips, and her throat. We gave tylenol and motrin around the clock for days. we made a  "magic mouthwash" that coated her sore little throat. She did so good. The virus was gone. hallelujah. 
Then, at work Tuesday, my temperature kept crawling up. It hot 101.9 and I was like 'what is going on'. I had woken up with a sore throat. I was chilling and sweating and felt so nauseas. I got tested for strep, it was negative. Adults rarely get HFM, so it really couldn't be that...the next morning, spots started popping up. on my hands. and throat. Of course the girl who had a beazoar would get HFM.
Today, my hands are covered in blisters. all in my creases, all on my finger pads. all over the bottom of my foot. my throat is killing me. Soo, we are alternating tylenol, motrin and using a little stronger "magic mouthwash". I felt sorry for little A when she had it, but I didn't know how sorry I should have felt for her. This is awful. I can't remember a time I have felt all around just miserable. when I bend my fingers it feels like pins are stuck in my skin. when i step on my foot, it feels like I am stepping on pieces of glass. And whoever said they don't itch? Lied. 

end of pity party. but it's my blog so I'm allowed. 
But for any of you whose children have had HFM, love on them. It sucks. 

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