
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Birthday Recap

Well, turning 31 wasn't so bad:) I had such a wonderful birthday weekend. 
If you remember from this blog, last year's birthday was pretty amazing. We found out we were having a girl and used my birthday celebrations to surprise people with the news. 
oh, and philip planned a surprise trip to the bahamas:)
So it would be hard to top that birthday. 
But this year was just perfect and full of all of the things I love. Philip was off work all weekend. We got to have dinner with good friends on Friday (i didn't get a pic because dinner with 3 kids is crazy). I have such good friends who care enough to celebrate my birthday. Mostly because they know I love birthdays:) :) 
Birthday Flowers from Ainsley :) 
Saturday we spent the day at the pool and grilling out. Dana stopped by to say happy birthday and say hi to Ainsley:) sadly it was the last pool day of the season :( 
Sunday we went to church, had a lazy family day, and then had a date that night. Philip took me to Jonathan's and it was delicious. I love their lunch menu but had never been there for dinner before. We will definitely be going back! 
throwin up gang signs
off to church! 
Monday we spent the day in Georgetown. Philip worked on his car and trailer while the girls played in the pool and got things ready for the cookout that night. 
pre cooked
cooked deliciousness 
We had my annual birthday cookout with the traditional birthday menu: bacon and water chestnuts, special hot dogs, marinated chicken, baked beans, salad, fruit and cake/homemade ice cream. My dad grills to perfection and my mom's ice cream is life changing. needless to say calories were not counted yesterday. 
We ended the night by playing mafia, which always proves to start some fights and relationship problems. But man, what a fun game:) To those of you who voted me out first round first game (you know who you are), I will get my revenge. 

got a little scared at the singing
bff since high school 
In true 'Amanda fashion' we will continue celebrating the rest of this week. We have dinner with some good friends wednesday night and dinner with Grandma, Aunt Ellen and family on Thursday, and then birthday lunch with Joy on Tuesday! love extending my birthday!

Each year I am reminded how incredibly blessed I am. This year was extra special because I got to spend it as a family of 3. I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for. My family is the most amazing family in the world. I am so grateful for each person in my life, each one of them adds something so unique and special to my life. I never want to take that for granted. 
This year, I am so thankful. God is so good. 

1 comment:

  1. I love playing Mafia with the fam! Always a good time with that bunch!


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