
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Frozen Meals

My eating habits have been less-than-healthy lately. I am just starting to be able to stomach vegetables and foods that are actually good for me. But I still can't go through the actions of actually cooking a meal. the time, smells, planning- its just too much for this queasy stomach. and poor Philip- luckily boy can cook :)

My mom had the brilliant idea of her and I getting together and making a bunch of meals that are freezable. So today I went to Gtown and we cooked, assembled, and now have meals freezing! 
Lucky for me, my mom thought ahead and browned the hamburger and cooked/deboned the chicken ( I am so spoiled). On the menu was cannelloni and chicken pot pies. We had left over hamburger from the cannelloni so we made mexican stuffed shells and with the left over chicken we made hot chicken salad. So I have 2 trays of cannelloni, 3 chicken pot pies, mexican stuffed shells and hot chicken salad. SEVEN meals! and it took us less than 3 hours! 
The best part is- these aren't just meals that freeze well. these are meals of my mom's that philip and i both love. So now when I have worked all day, or philip has, or one of us just doesnt feel like cooking- we have a homemade meal we can just cook up and serve!! and I wont be eating out as much:) (mommas take care of their babies)

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