
Friday, August 3, 2012

first tri recap

Helllloooo second trimester! 

I remember during week 5, laying on the bathroom floor thinking " I am never going to make it out of this first trimester". and here I am! everyone tells me around this time I will start feeling better so I am hoping for that soon:) I cant believe we are 1/3 of the way through our pregnancy!

Favorite times of trimester #1: 
Seeing the baby's heart beat for the first time. 
Peeing on a stick multiple, multiple times in one week to make sure that line was really there. 
Praying throughout the day for the littlest things about baby (thanks to the 'praying through your pregnancy' book crystal got me!)
Feeling the love Philip has for me and the baby by the countless numbers of things he has done the past 8 weeks. 
Having my bf whitney and aunt Ellen download apps about pregnancy and text me facts and things I need to know several times a week. 
The pure joy and happiness my family and friends have shared with us. I seriously have the best family and group of close friends anyone could have. 
learning week by week what is going on with baby and what new things he/she is developing. 

Not-So-Favorite times of trimester #1
weeks 5 &10. by far my worst 2 weeks with 5 taking the cake. 
3 am. it seems to be my standard 'wake up and start puking/gagging' time. 
insomnia. the first 2-3 weeks after I started getting sick I literally could.not.sleep. I think a lot was anxiety. 
puking in at least 4 restaurant bathrooms. including philip's fancy fav winery. 

I have eaten out more these past 12 weeks than I ever eaten out in my life. Because I dont feel good enough to plan a meal to cook, and have to make a gametime decision when its time to eat. So i find something that sounds halfway appealing, go get it and pray it stays down :)
I did eat at Cracker Barrell by myself because I needed their chicken salad sandwich. and I have ordered a chicken salad sandwich from Josie's To Go at least 3 times. Philip bought me 4 different kinds of chicken salad from various places because that was all I wanted for a few weeks. 

nothing consistent. some days things sound good to me, some days they dont. I know one thing for sure. i will NEVER eat another Saltine cracker in all of my life. weeks 5&6 did me in with them.

*please know I am not complaining about being nauseated/sick. I would endure much worse if it means baby is healthy and growing like he/she should be. i just want to remember what time time was like for me:)*


  1. Yeah second trimester! Hope your cravings level out and your feeling much better this part (I will warn you-in case-that I was puking the whole way through, but it was not the down on the ground knock you out kind ...and I will not say it is all worth it in the end because you know that. Take time to rest and drink lots of water..enjoy chicken salad as much as you want and go buy a stuffed animal (you totally can start shopping now!) Congrats. I know how happy everyone is for you and Philip and what a joy this new addition is all the whole family around you and ;) extended!!

  2. Now you will truly be a triple braided cord!

  3. Ha, I hope second tri plays out for you better! :) u r reminding me why I don't want to be pregnant again!!!!!

  4. And I second l.b. comment above. If you've never been sick like that than no one knows!!! I hated the all worth it comments. Duh!!!!


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