Our big event recently is that Parker had his first surgery. He has had a testicular hydrocele since birth and we have just been watching it but the past several months, the lump has gotten bigger and was pretty visible during bath time at the end of the day. Our pediatrician sent us to UK surgery where one of Philips old co-workers told us he needed to take it out.
So Wednesday morning we got up before FIVE A.M. so we could have him to the hospital at 6. Thank you to nanny for spending the night and taking care of A for us. We got checked in and to pre op and Parker was a champ. We prepped him by trying to explain exactly what was going to happen during and after surgery. He packed his backpack and said he was ready.
Philip and I anxiously waited in the waiting room. We were told it would take an hour, so when we were taken to the consult room 35 minutes later i was a little nervous. But Dr Draus came in and said all went well, and Parker should hopefully be waking up soon. My friend Sheree was up there in recovery and texted me as soon as he got there. Then she texted me when he started wiggling, when the airway was out, then came to bring us up to Parker. He was a little out of it but perked up some after a popsicle.
So thankful for people who took such good care of us; inside and outside the hospital. My mom pretty much hung out all day so all 3 of us could nap (and of course made us dinner while here). My sweet admin team all brought us goodies and snacks, my family and in-laws provided lots of support in many ways. And so many people reached out to check on him and how he was doing. We were really touched and grateful for the love shown to our family.
Thursday Parker and Ainsley were rough housing and after repeatedly yelling at them to stop, Parker of course got hurt. He smacked his mouth into a bedrail, busting his lip and tooth that HE HAD JUST HURT. This is the first time i have cussed AT my children. (Don’t worry i apologized and Ainsley was like “what word was it i didn’t hear it!” So no harm done).
We spent a lot of time watching wreck it Ralph one and two on repeat, playing games, but even then he got bored. Friday Parker popped his incision open (no one is surprised here). Philip was at work, and i put him back together on my own. I had to hold his pain medicine so he would feel some pain and not act crazy and hurt his incision again. So Friday night he was feeling pretty rough :(. He was limping and really guarding his incision site. but Saturday he seemed a little better. Sunday when i dropped him off at church i was explaining to the nursery workers about his stitches and next thing i know he has his pants down showing the volunteers his “boo boo”.
The bruising is almost totally gone, and the incision looks good. Hoping the healing is almost complete! Thank you all for everything!