
Friday, February 15, 2019

Life Lately

The biggest event lately in our lives has been another injury from Parker. Several Sundays ago we took the kids to the pool at the Y. They have racks of puddle jumpers to use so we don’t bring Parker’s so we don’t have to drag a wet one home. Well this day they had removed all puddle jumpers and only had toddler life jackets. Parker didn’t mind and didn’t let it slow him down. After awhile i was in the deeper end with Ainsley and looked around and couldn’t find Philip or Parker. Kim and Ryan didn’t know where they went either. Finally Philip emerges from a door holding a crying bloody Parker. 

Apparently he fell going up the concrete steps to the slide and couldn’t get his arms down in time and bit the concrete. He busted his lip and his front tooth. Philip was able to push his tooth back up and we got everyone changed and in the car to come home.

The dentist got us in the next morning and did X-rays that showed no damage to permanent tooth. They put him on a soft diet and had us come back in a week. A week later it looked about the same and they said come back in 4 weeks. Praying the tooth will stay in and not die or become infected. 

In other news, Ainsley celebrated her 100th day of school. She chose to make a popcorn shirt and nanny helped us put it together. She also had a “rock star party” at school the same day, which i got to help with. 

She is also loving her new sleep mask :) 

We went to go see American Girl Live with Emma. The girls dressed Mary Ellen and Julie up and then dressed themselves to match. They had such a good time and i thought the play was so cute! 

Other than that we have just been hanging out in the crazy KY weather. Playing outside in the snow and the sunshine! 

Also in all of our dental visits both kids got cleanings and are in the no cavity club! 

Parker started back to basketball and is so happy to be back on “his team”. 

Ainsley is still loving her gymnastics class and practices flipping and hand standing all over the house. 

Yesterday we walked to get A from school and tomorrow it’s supposed to snow again. And it’s February! 

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