
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

We started celebrating Halloween early with our first activity being Boo at the Zoo in Louisville. It didn’t quite have the effect as last year, because we had just been to Disney and seen all the “real” characters, but the kids loved dressing up and of course, getting candy. Parker was so proud of his jellyfish even though the umbrella was a little heavy for him to carry the whole time. 

Ainsley has her first field trip to the pumpkin patch. It was her first time riding on a bus and she thought it was so cool she didn’t have to wear a seat belt. I really loved getting to meet her friends and their moms. 

Parker also had a celebration at his school where he got to dress up. He wanted to be a jellyfish but we told him he needed to pick something he could play in. Of course he chose a pirate. 

The weekend before our Y had their fall festival and also we went to nanny pops house and carved pumpkins. 

Actual halloween was moved to the night before due to the forecast of storms and high winds. So we all altered our plans and shifted the festivities to a night earlier! Family came over for pizza and cups of “dirt” me and the kids made. 

It was such a fun night and the kids loved going up to the houses to get candy.

Ainsley also had her first school carnival and therefore spirit week leading up to the carnival on Friday night. She had a lot of fun with this and apparently so did her teachers.

Also i have to talk about how my girl won STUDENT OF THE MONTH. She walked out of school with a huge smile on her face and told me she “got something special”. She proceeded to pull out a wadded piece of paper (because she wads everything up and sticks it in her backpack). It was a certificate for student of the month and she told me that she was the only one taken to the library to receive her award and have her picture taken. When i asked her teacher how she won it she said “Good behavior, hard worker, and a positive role model for others, recommended by teachers :)” i mean we could not be more proud. And you better believe i put that bad boy in a frame at home. 

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