
Monday, June 25, 2018

Life Lately

This summer has been one of my favorite summers in a long time. We are really enjoying the ease of what summer brings. We have gotten to spend time with friends, spend time with family, spend time AS A family, and just PLAY. 

Ainsley took swim lessons at Uncle Bubby’s pool with Anna Beth. She has always been a little fish but she needed some coaching on how to actually swim. Ms. Shelby was great and I am so proud of her learning how to move her arms, legs, and stay on top of the water (she prefers swimming on the bottom). 

Ainsley also got to go to VBS last week at “Camp Immanuel”. Her and Tate had a blast. They loved the songs, the crafts, and the candy. Erin and I traded off taking and picking up the kids, which the kids thought was so fun. 

GG fell and broke her hip, resulting in surgery and now rehab. We went and visited her several times (Ainsley loved the gift shop) and are praying she is back on her feet soon:) we hung out with mom and aunt Ellen playing memory and “hide and seek” during surgery. 

Ainsley is also taking a tap/ballet class once a week. She asked to take ballet this summer, and i wanted her to be able to see if she really liked it. 

I feel bad Parker isn’t old enough to do fun camps and VBS like his sissy. I know it’s sad for him when we drop her off and he doesn’t get to go, so I’ve been trying to be intentional about my one on one time with just him. We’ve had fun lunch dates, played games and let him enjoy being the “only child” for a few hours. 

This weekend we got to hang out with the Stearley’s and go to a Legends Game with the Sarlls. I love baseball games and we had fun, despite Ainsley claiming she was hot since before we walked into stadium. 

Here are some pics of us just soaking up summertime! 

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