
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Parker’s Injuries

I need to have documentation of this wild child and the injuries he has sustained in his 2.5 years of life. Not something i really want to relive but definitely blog book worthy. 

Let’s start with his first injury 

A staple to the back of his head when he fell onto the corner of a book shelf in the playroom.

In same playroom, he tripped and landed on a tiny yellow construction truck, splitting his lip open. This required an emergent drop everything (by my parents and my myself) and go to morehead for sedation and stitching by daddy. (November 2016) 

This one was very traumatic for me and i was emotional for weeks after. 

Next he blackened his eye on the counter and cut a small line on his eyelid. 

I am not even sure what this next boo boo was from, looks minor. 

Then he fell in our bathtub cutting his eyelid open this time. 

One day i noticed he had a chip in his left front tooth. We have no idea when or how he did this. 

I picked him up from nursery at church and was told he had got his ear caught on a toy and ripped his upper ear. Philip was out of town for this one and our friend Seth had to come over to determine if he needed stitches (we opted not to). October 2017.

And his latest injury was yesterday afternoon. I had been at the hospital all dad while mom had her hip replaced. I was home not even 30 minutes and S he was crawling up onto our bed, blanky in hand, he slipped and with occupied hands, took a face plant onto the edge of our bed frame. Almost biting through his cheek and biting through his lower lip. Stitches inside lower lip. 

So now maybe you all can understand why I’m on edge all the time :) and hopefully this is the end of this stupid list.

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