
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Preschool // first and last year

I am sort of crazy. I couldn't sleep last night I kept playing scenarios in my head of Parker busting his face on the playground or jumping off a table and breaking a bone. Or crying for ma-ma the whole 3 hours of school. Crazy. Rest assured the day went smoothly and I was chomping at the bit to pick them up. 

Ainsley was beyond excited to go. When I asked Parker if he was excited he said "no. Home". So I was a little apprehensive about how he would do. I am so grateful for their teachers. Ainsleys teacher texted me a picture of her tracing her name and parkers teacher texted me "you're boy is doing amazing!". So thankful they knew I needed that. 

When I picked them up, Parkers teacher said "he did great. He is for sure a wild man". Yes, we know. And Ainsley said "mommy I toot tooted in school. And I didn't say excuse me". So I think that's a pretty good day:) 

Parker hit the door to home and melted down. Wanted his security items, all of them. Blanky, chewbaba, and his baba. He wanted to be held and didn't want to eat. Poor guy:( I'm sure it was a lot for him. Especially being the youngest in his class. 
Looking forward to this year and all they will experience there, but also struggling that they are both in preschool. How is that possible?! 

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