
Thursday, July 6, 2017

The 4th

We celebrated the 4th of July a little early due to Philips work schedule. We actually started celebrations on Friday night when we went out to dinner for Moms birthday. 

Then Saturday we went to Magnolia Springs, where GGs facility was having an early 4th of July party. They had pony rides, petting zoos, food and fun. GG even hopped (well was helped) onto the pony for a ride! 

That night we grilled out and did fireworks in our backyard. It was still light out. Our fireworks were from a tent in the WalMart parking lot. And Ainsley declared they were "the best fireworks she'd ever seen". Parker would run into my lap as soon as Philip went to light a fuse, but would say "wow" and clap when they were over. 

Sunday we spent the day (and night) at Matt and Rachels pool. We swam, grilled out for lunch, took naps then swam some more. It was the perfect day and my kids loved jumping off the diving board! 

It rained and rained on the actual 4th. We went to the Stearley's for brunch and then went to the Brownings that night for a cookout and play time with the kids (no pics bc that many kids without Philip to help means no free hands). 

Q: what does the Statue of Liberty stand for? 
A: because it can't sit down! 

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