
Monday, March 13, 2017

Life Lately

Life has been different around here lately. In such a good way. Philip became the Medical Director at St. Claire. Which means he's a big wig now. But it also means his clinical shifts were reduced to 8 a month. So he has to be at the hospital for a lot of meetings, interviews, etc. but those are all during the day. And by now I can handle the kids during the day by myself. We've got our routine and our activities. And if I know he will be home for dinner, bath time, bed time- my outlook on the whole day is different. I'm like I got this. So yes he still has to work 8 night shifts a month, but that's a lot less than what we're used to.
So we have been enjoying feeling like a "normal family" for the first time. We have been taking walks after dinner. Going to the Y at nights. I have been able to go to the grocery, kid free, several times. We can both feel a shift in our marriage as we are getting to spend more time together and getting to enjoy just being. And I have to thank God for this, because I have been praying for a change in Philips work schedule for over 2 years. I have prayed and my friends at BSF have been praying, and the Lord has answered ours prayers. He is so faithful and His plan is always better than our own. 
Look at his face. He just had his first Frosty at lunch with Nanny and Aunt Ellen. He made us all laugh at how happy he was. 
Ainsley's friend Jack got a drum set. And she fell in love with how much noise she could make. 
Last wwwk it was 70° which is crazy because yesterday it was 25°- but her friend Liam came over for a picnic.   
Ainsley is loving gymnastics at the Y. The session ended last week and she was very upset so we enrolled her in the next session too. 
After the mommies work out, the kids get to play basketball:) 
We frequently walk to the "bridge" where the kids can throw rocks in the creek (if there is water) and look for the beaver (grounddog).
Ainsley picked all the "flowers" in the back yard for me and was so happy. 
Girls Day! Mom and I took Ainsley to go see Sing during an afternoon we didn't want her to nap bc of time change. She ate a whole box of sour patch gummies and we had to refill her popcorn. 
We came home from the movies to this scene. Philip had been working on his car and a wrench popped back and hit him between the eyes. Luckily his ER buddy was off and came over to stitch him up.    

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