
Monday, February 6, 2017

Life Lately

We had a jam packed weekend this past weekend. 
Thursday night I had told Kim we could come over for dinner and made plans for that. I hadn't fixed my hair, was in sweats and house shoes, when all of a sudden Whitney and Steve are in my hallway. I was beyond surprised. Philip then tells me that mom and dad are on their way to watch kids and we had reservations for dinner. I got ready as fast as I could and the 4 of us enjoyed a nice dinner downtown. 

Friday night Philip took Ainsley to the Her Knight dance at Keeneland. Ainsley was so excited for her special date with daddy. Parker and I hung out at Alison's with the little brothers :)
Saturday was the birthday party (previous post) and hanging out with Whitney and Steve at our house. Sunday we went to church then out to lunch to celebrate Aunt Teri's and Dale's birthdays. 
That night we hosted friends for the SuperBowl. There were people and kids everywhere, and food scattered every place you could scatter food:) we did a "box bet" and Kim won the first quarter, erin the second, Steve the third and Philip won the end pot of money. What a game! 
Today we wrapped up the long weekend with Ainsley's four year check up. She weighed 32 lbs (24%) and was 39 1/4 inches tall (39%). She's a tiny little thing. She got 3 shots, and didn't shed a tear. She actually didn't even flinch- I was so proud of her. 

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