
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Big Girl Bed

When we went to Wisconsin, Ainsley got to sleep in a king sized bed all by herself, and loved it. After that we decided it was time to transform her toddler bed to the full bed (her crib changed to toddler bed changed to full size bed).
last night in her "Frozen bed" 
We had to order a few things and she decided she wanted a pink and purple bed spread which took some hunting. Mom and I went out and bought new sheets, etc and picked out fabric for curtains (handmade by nanny!). Monday while she was at gymnastics we changed her room for her. 
She loves it. And maybe I do too- because when I lay down with her now instead of being all cramped up on a crib mattress, I can spread out. And maybe fall asleep 😳

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Parker Turns ONE

I think planning this party was the most enjoyable one for me. It was not the least stressful, nor the least time consuming. BUT, I loved finding LEGO themed things to make/build! 
Parker loves the color yellow- seriously is almost obsessed with it. So what better way to celebrate than with the yellow lego man? :) 
thank you Emily for the awesome banner! 
I had HUGE help from my mom and Aunt Ellen who helped me put everything together the day before the party
how amazing is this bib? and I forgot to put it on him for his cake :( Thank you Aunt Ellen! 
so here is what the spread looked like: 
please note the napkin holders that are made of legos! 
The actual party was outside (for the first half) and then the rain came in and we moved inside. Luckily it started raining after most people had eaten and Parker had smashed his cake. 
Having a party for your one year old, at your house, with friends and family who just love your little boy so much- fills you with lots of emotions. I am so grateful that he has so many people love him. and love him so well. 
His Daddy made him an activity table for his birthday (because he is the handiest man ever) which we are currently using as a train table. Big Sister Ainsley has taken it over for the time being, but I feel certain once he is big enough he will regain control over his domain ;) 
The morning of his actual birthday we went to wake him up with a balloon- which he was less than enthused with at first. We brought him downstairs and he got to open his gifts from us. well, he got to watch sissy open them:) Then I made him dairy free pancakes (applesauce and bananas?) which he also wasn't enthused with. So philip and I ate them. 
That night we took him to Pucchinis and he devoured a bowl of sauce/butter free pasta. He was a happy boy. 
Time really does go so fast. This year has had its ups and downs, but mostly ups. And how can you be anything but thankful when you see this smiling face. We love you so much P-man! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

12 months

I am overwhelmed with gratitude, sadness, longing, hope and joy at the fact that my baby is ONE. I can't believe he entered this world a year ago, when it seems like he has been here forever. I can't imagine life without my sweet, crazy, joyful baby boy.

Height/weight: 30 1/2 cm (72%)
23 lbs 4 oz (58%)
OFC: 47.5 cm (80%)  
Size: he is in 12-18 month or 18 month clothes. Size 4 daytime and nighttime diapers. he measured 4.5 in shoes! 
Physical: he still has blue blue eyes and long eyelashes. His eyes are much lighter blue than Ainsley's. His hair is long, blonde and curly. He now has 4 whole teeth (middle bottom two and top incisors- our little vampire). he has chubby ,wide little feet. 
Eating/ sleeping: hopefully after his appt Monday we will start introducing dairy with no problems (prayers please!). but as of now he is still taking 4 bottles a day of dairy free formula. He is starting to refuse baby food, and eats EVERYTHING. he loves any kind of meat the most. 
he is sleeping all night (hallelujah!). 
he goes to bed around 745 and wakes up around 7am. He sleeps in his sleep sack with his beloved blanky and paci.  he is working on dropping his morning power nap, and naps 1245-4ish. 
Developments and new things: 
He walks / speed walks everywhere. 
Says dada and a form of Jaxy (where's the love kid) 
He waves hi and bye 
He shakes his head back and forth to singing and music 
He points at everything, especially lights and fans. Philip calls him "Babe Ruth" 
He loves playing peek-a-boo/ where's Parker 
His favorite color is yellow- he gravitates to it 
he does not like the word NO 
This year has been full of lots of love, joy, learning, trials and chaos. We are so in love with you P-Man and can't wait to see what the next year holds for you!
* party post to come!* 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Several weeks ago (well 9 to be exact) my friend Erin and I were talking about how we used to be in shape and how we missed that. She suggested we start the couch to 5K program and get motivated. So we downloaded the free app, I purchased a used double jogging stroller, went to target and bought some tank tops- and we started! 
It is really a 8 week program but we repeated a week when we were on vacation because - no running on vacation :) 
Anyway- pushing two kids, this awful August heat, and life in general made for some dedication. BUT- I did it! Last night I ran the Midsummers Night Run downtown - and with half of Lexington - I finished my first 5K in years:) with much better time than I had anticipated. I mean I say run but it's more of a jog really. I finished in 34:04 and I know thats not great, but my goal was to finish and to not puke. check and check. 

Parker is almost one and I am finally starting to get back in shape 😊