I am overwhelmed with gratitude, sadness, longing, hope and joy at the fact that my baby is ONE. I can't believe he entered this world a year ago, when it seems like he has been here forever. I can't imagine life without my sweet, crazy, joyful baby boy.
Height/weight: 30 1/2 cm (72%)
Height/weight: 30 1/2 cm (72%)
23 lbs 4 oz (58%)
OFC: 47.5 cm (80%)
Size: he is in 12-18 month or 18 month clothes. Size 4 daytime and nighttime diapers. he measured 4.5 in shoes!
Physical: he still has blue blue eyes and long eyelashes. His eyes are much lighter blue than Ainsley's. His hair is long, blonde and curly. He now has 4 whole teeth (middle bottom two and top incisors- our little vampire). he has chubby ,wide little feet.
Eating/ sleeping: hopefully after his appt Monday we will start introducing dairy with no problems (prayers please!). but as of now he is still taking 4 bottles a day of dairy free formula. He is starting to refuse baby food, and eats EVERYTHING. he loves any kind of meat the most.
he is sleeping all night (hallelujah!).
he goes to bed around 745 and wakes up around 7am. He sleeps in his sleep sack with his beloved blanky and paci. he is working on dropping his morning power nap, and naps 1245-4ish.
Developments and new things:
He walks / speed walks everywhere.
Says dada and a form of Jaxy (where's the love kid)
He waves hi and bye
He shakes his head back and forth to singing and music
He points at everything, especially lights and fans. Philip calls him "Babe Ruth"
He loves playing peek-a-boo/ where's Parker
His favorite color is yellow- he gravitates to it
he does not like the word NO
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