
Saturday, May 21, 2016

9 months

Height/weight: 28 1/4 in (50%) / 20.10 (53%) OFC: 45cm (40%) 

Size: he's in size 3 diapers during day and size 4 night time diapers. This is the size Ainsley ended diapers in haha 
Eat/sleep: he's adding lots of new foods to his list this month. blueberries, raspberries, chicken, turkey, oranges, and water from a straw. He takes 4 bottles a day (5-8oz each depending on his mood). He gets cereal after his morning bottle, fruit for lunch, and veggies for dinner. He also snacks on puffs, Cheerios and blueberries:) he has a serious love for puffs. He despises bananas. 
He goes to bed around 745pm and wakes up anywhere from 6am-7am. he sleeps in his sleep sack with a knitted blanket that was given to him by one of Mom's friends. he is a huge lover of his paci and will wake up mad if he doesn't have it. we are working on ways to help him find it on his own and put himself back to sleep. we knew we weren't going to be blessed with two awesome sleepers. 
he still takes a 30-60 minute morning nap and a 2-3 hours nap in the afternoon. 
Physical: on his 8 month birthday he sprouted his first tooth - now he has his two bottom teeth! 
His hair is getting long in the back and around his ears. And he's got curl to it- it is adorable. he's got the chubbiest most kissable cheeks in the world. his eyes are still blue and his hair is sort of strawberry blonde like Ainsley's was. 
We have a crawler! Not just sort of crawling- he is 
He sort of started army crawling then the next day stumbling through crawling, now it's a coordinated crawl. He also pulls up on everything. He wants to stand all the time. His forehead is covered in bruises of various stages. He seriously needs to be in a bubble. I need an extra set of arms and eyes in the back of my head for these two.  
changing his diaper is one of the most frustrating things because he refuses to lay on his back 
New things
He LOVES bath time. He was getting a bath every other night but when Ainsley is in the tub he is literally trying to flip in there with her. He loves to splash and be in the water. 

He claps his hands together- not so much on command yet. 

Hasn't started saying any syllables yet, just screams and likes to hear his own voice. 

He loves the color yellow. If you put several things in front of him he will go for yellow, every time. 

kid loves food 
he loves being in the big boy stroller and going on walks 

He is into all of his sisters things. It has been a learning and trying time for all of us:) sharing her things is hard apparently. 

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