
Monday, March 21, 2016

7 months

Today was the first time I almost forgot his monthly birthday! Lack of sleep will do crazy things to your mind :) Good thing he's so cute and lovable! 

height/weight: he didn't go to the Dr this month but our home scale says he weighs 20 lbs.

size: he is in 9 month and some 12 month clothes. wears size 3 diapers and 4 night time diapers at night (having issues with him peeing through at night so still trying to figure this out) 
eating: we can add several new foods to his list this month. He has now had bananas, apples, green beans, zucchini, and pears. and Mum Mums:) So far I have made all of his food, only because I enjoy it:) plus when we are paying for such expensive formula- it makes me feel better to save some money! He takes anywhere from 5-8oz bottles 5 times a day. He stares at you eating food if you eat in front of him. He will be one happy boy when he can partake in a big ol steak. 
sleeping: whew. let's just say that he is all over the place. some nights he sleeps all night (although this is a rare occurrence), some nights he is up every 2-3 hours. Typically, he wakes up right around 7am, take a cat nap- sometimes two- in mornings. He goes down for his afternoon nap around 1 and wakes up around 4/415. He stays awake until bedtime around 745-8. 
I tried to put him in a sleep sack so his arms would be free to find his paci, but I really thinks he loves the confines of his Zipadee so he is going back into that tonight. He's so happy that its hard to be mad at him for keeping me up all. night. long. 
He loves sitting up and reaching for things. 
if you stop feeding him and he's still hungry he grabs his spoon or bowl when you're not looking. 
he loves loves to laugh, especially at his sister 
he is drooling so much that he has to wear a bib at all times
loves to blow raspberries
loves to smack and beat on his toys 
he chews on any and everything 
he is starting to not mind being on his tummy as much and pushing up on his arms 
sissy putting a flower she picked in his hand 

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