
Friday, February 5, 2016

Big Girl Bed

Anyone who knows our daughter knows she is a bit... Lively:) She doesn't sit still. She runs. She climbs. She goes at life with all the gusto she has. And we love that about her. But it has always shocked us that she has never once climbed out of her crib (with the exception of one time poor auntie Jo was watching her). Last Friday night we had our babysitter watch both kids for the first time. When Ainsley was getting put to bed the timer on her sound machine must've gotten turned on. So after we got home and said goodbye to Lauren, I looked at monitor to see Parker sleeping peacefully and then an empty crib on Ainsley's camera. I looked up the stairs to see a pitiful little girl holding her mermaid and gripping the wall. "My sound machine went off mommy". I rocked her back to sleep but she was very concerned her sound machine would turn back off. "I can't sleep without my sound machine" she said. I assured her it wouldn't go off again. 
The next morning I was feeding Parker a little after 7 when I hear a thud on the floor upstairs. I look up and there is my little girl at the top of the steps again. I mean we made it two years and 363 days:) her crib has always been her security and safety net. She's decided 3 year olds don't need a crib anymore:) 

So Philip and I took her to target to pick out "big girl bedding". She chose Frozen, of course. And while I really wanted to find her something cute that matches her room- I also wanted her to love her new bed. 
I had visions of Ainsley playing in her ball pit at 2am or waking up to her standing next to my bed at 3am. But we talked to her and told her she had to stay in her big girl bed at night. That if she crawled out she could get hurt. And that we would have to go back to her crib. She was sad about that one because she said she loves her bed. So, so far it has been uneventful. She lays under her little sheets on her pillow until she falls asleep. She still moves around a lot at night but when she wakes up she will wait for one of us to come get her, like we told her to.  
We are both pleasantly surprised with how well she's done:) 
her little legs hanging out. and she hangs little blanky on side rail 

Annndd P man is back to sleeping through the night. Hallelujah! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE her choice of bedding ;) ... And your new site design looks pretty!


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