5 months have flown by! So fast it makes my heart hurt and I just want time to stop moving so fast.
This little guy is definitely keeping us on our toes. Sleep has been pretty rocky this month and he is back on a small hunger strike. But he is so happy and sweet that it's hard to be too tired/ worried:)
Height and weight: 16 lbs 9.5 ounces. was not measured length :)
Size 2 diapers , 6 month clothes
Physical: eyes are still blue and his hair is getting much more blonde. He is starting to get hair back in his bald patch on the back:) no teeth yet but we keep thinking one is coming.
His little chubby legs make me so happy.
Eat/sleep: whew. He's all over the plce in both of these areas. He was taking 5-6 oz every 3 hours but now we are lucky if he takes 4 every 3.5 hours. He has dropped at least one full bottle a day. We started oatmeal but he didn't seem to love it and it definitely didn't help him sleep better. Plus it made him not hungry for his bottle, which he needs more. So I started sweet potatoes which he LOVES. He's like a baby bird wanting more and more. But once he quit taking his bottles I stopped the sweet potatoes for a bit too. I think now that he's tasted other things he realizes how bad this hypoallergenic formula really is haha. Dr Nelson said to just let him eat what he wants to eat- so sweet potatoes it is:) up next- avocado!
He wakes up at 645/7 am and goes to bed around 8/830. he naps at least once in the morning and a long afternoon nap.
Sleep wise he has been up a lot at nights. Not really hungry just fussy and wanting paci. After the sleeplessness on vacation I decided to just let him cry for awhile and put himself back to sleep. It took one night of him doing that and the next night he did not make ONE PEEP. I even went to check on him several times:)
Right now he is sleeping in the zippaddee which allows him to roll over better and so he is currently sleeping on his stomach. He wakes up with a little swollen and reddened face because he's just not using to sleeping like that:(
New things: he is still a rolling machine. He likes to grab his toes and chew on them. Well he likes to chew on everything.
He loves watching his big sister in all her craziness.
He likes to jump in his exersaucer.
he loves making eye contact and breaking into a huge grin
He's such a happy little fella! I can remember making AB cry it out on numerous occasions - it's amazing how resilient they are! Hopefully your sleepless nights are over ;)