
Thursday, December 17, 2015


Christmas Time is one of my most favorite times of the year. for so many reasons. I love putting up our tree and looking at each ornament over and over. I love finding meaningful gifts for people I love. I love Christmas music. I love getting to see family I don't get to see except at christmas time. I love hearing and telling the story of Jesus' birth. 
The last one is really hitting me this year. I think with having a son now it has changed my perspective. My love for Parker is different than my love for Ainsley. it's hard to explain. but you know who would get it? Mary. I feel certain Mary had this same fierce love and attachment. she got to kiss Jesus' cheeks and squeeze his little toes. she got to blow raspberries on his belly and hear him giggle. and just soak up her little boy in all his cuteness. 
And THAT is what I want Christmas to be about for my children. Celebrating the birth of our Savior. The life of someone who changed the entire world. Singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and rejoicing that God came to Earth. For us. 
I am studying the book of Revelation this year and it has been very eye opening for me. Terrible things are happening in this world. And not just across the ocean- in our home state, home towns, schools, everywhere. There are some days where I just can't stand to hear all of the awfulness this world has in it. 
However, I am starting to grasp the concept of having no fear. Because the end is already written. The victory is already won. Nothing here on this Earth is permanent. But what is permanent, what is eternal, is our life in heaven. I mean thats forever. no end. there is no yesterday, tomorrow, next year- it's always. and the crazy thing is, is that it has always been there and will always still be there. I really can't wrap my head around it. But I know I love it and I know that I am loved enough to get to spend always there. 
Jesus is coming back for us. And it is going to be such a joyous and terrifying moment when he does. He promises that every knee will bow to Him. How could you not when he comes riding in on a cloud- with a double edged sword coming out of his mouth. and everyone- EVERYONE- like those in every time zone at the exact same time all over the world- are going to see this. Because He has always been and will always be. again, i can't wrap my head around this one. but i mean, you all, this is happening! 
So this Christmas I am focusing on the joy and hope we have because of Christ. Because of the ultimate selfless act. and words can not convey how grateful I am to have that Hope that this Earth is so temporary. That the things that make us the happiest down here, can't even compare what happiness really is. 
Merry Christmas to each of you who take the time to read my blog. I hope this year has brought each of you happiness and new revelations :) 

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