
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life Update

Shew. These past three weeks have been much harder than either of us anticipated. BUT- God is good and things are getting better. And I have the most amazing husband in the world. 
First, let me tell you about Ainsley and what has been going on with her. She started pre school last week at Crossroads Christian Church. She goes Tues/Thurs 9-12. She has ten kids in her classroom, two teachers, and seems to really enjoy it. 
We were given a 'daily outline' of what their routine is like. She will have performances, parties, field trips and other fun themed days. We are so excited for her :) 
We have all been just surviving around here. Adjusting to not only a newborn, but a newborn who has had a lot going on. Ainsley has been so good, and we are so lucky that she sleeps so good and has such a sweet disposition. We know this hasn't been easy on her and have tried to make things as most normal as we can for her. 
a trip to the Orchard last week 
Jacobson Park today 
Parker's disposition, however, is yet to be determined. He has had a rough start to life. Not nearly as rough as it could have been, but not smooth sailing for sure. 
He started out jaundice and was at the doctor 6 out of his first 7 days for bilirubin checks. Then, at his two week check up, he was found to have bilateral ear infections. 3 days later, his right ear was still not healing and we had to switch antibiotics. We also started a reflux medicine because we knew his belly was hurting him. At three weeks, I took him back to have his ears rechecked. And I told the doctor he was still just uncomfortable and not happy. and cried- a lot. Tearfully, I told our doctor how hard it has been with him crying so much, not sleeping, trying to breastfeed and entertain a toddler. He told me what he had previously told me, that he thought he had a milk allergy. That i needed to cut myself some slack, and that he was going to figure this out and help him get better. His solution was to try a dairy free formula, have me pump and store my milk, and if we figure out it was dairy causing his pain- I can decide if I want to go dairy free to continue to breast feed. When I left he asked if he could give me a big hug. Our pediatrician rocks. 

So, Friday afternoon we held our breath as we gave him his first bottle, unsure if he would take it. and we were so so relieved that he did. over 24 hours into using this dairy free formula, we seem to have a different baby. He doesn't wail in pain after eating. he lets us lay him down more often. he is awake, alert and not crying. Last night he finally slept more than 3 hours at a time, and even put himself to sleep after a bottle. We are praying that he will continue to improve and that this is the solution to his problems. 

Of course we have now discovered he has thrush in his mouth, from taking these antibiotics. oy. luckily  his daddy can call in a prescription and save me from having to take him back the doctor, again. 

We want to thank each one of you that has been praying for Parker and for us. There are several of you and we can not thank you enough. I apologize if you had made us dinner/wanted to and I haven't written a thank you note or gotten back to you. Like I said, it has been rough over here. 

But we went out to dinner Friday night for the first time as a family of four. Today we went to the park and then the grocery and it was just so pleasant. We just want him to be comfortable and for us to be able to enjoy him and get to know him. 

Please continue the prayers as we know God has all of us in His hands. 

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