
Thursday, August 6, 2015

37 weeks

Parker this week:  He is 19-22 inches long and 6.5 lbs according to my app. however: my ob told me today that is measuring 6.12- 7 lbs and that we need to get this labor going. whoa! I always think their estimates are off, but I mean come on i'm not trying to have a 9 lb baby. I am not even sure I can physically do an 8 lb one!! 
His lungs are mature at this point but he will keep growing at about 1/2 lb per week. So I would like him to take one more week, max:) 
He likes to push out and make me very uncomfortable. He is still moving around a lot in there but not quite as drastic as he used to- he doesn't have much more room in there :) 
me this week:  well like I said, the OB told me that he's gotten big in there. he didn't do a full exam because I told him no thanks. the exam doesn't really tell you much anyway, so much can change and I don't want false hope yet. 
My eyes are a bit swollen I can feel them not opening like they usually do. My legs and ankles aren't swelling and my rings fit- albeit a bit snug at this point. 
I am not walking much. maybe around the block but definitely not 2 miles. 
I am getting really tired. I have trouble waking up in the mornings, even with a crazy toddler who hits the ground running. by her bedtime I am usually worn out and ready to go to bed with her. 
My back is killing me, but probably because we spent a full morning painting the nursery this week. (which I must mention that my husband complained about his back hurting that night and my thoughts were not the most sympathetic)  
I am having these crazy nerve pains in my groin/leg but he said that is normal based on his position. 
I was a little better emotionally this week, maybe because I had some great help from my parents:) 
cravings: chips. lots of chips. 

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