
Friday, July 31, 2015

Ainsley's Half Birthday

Happy Half Birthday to our Favorite Little Girl! 

you all, she is at the funnest age right now. she is just so. much. fun. her imagination is developing and she is saying new things all the time. she constantly cracks us up and has us falling more in love with her personality every day. 

some things she is doing that we don't want to forget
-she makes us pray before dinner. she bows her head and closes her eyes and repeats words we say in prayer. 
- she asks for snuggles in the morning when she first wakes up. most the time in our bed watching Mickey or Elmo. 
- she can work an iPhone better than Philip or I can 
- if you do something she wanted to do (flush the toilet, snap her car seat buckle, push the red button on the phone) she gets really upset screaming that SHE wanted to do it 
- she loves bath time and making 'bubble beards' 
- loves to be 'covered up' with her blankets and 'go to sleep' 
- LOVES her stuffed animals. loves to talk to them, have you talk for them, give them 'big hugs and kisses', and have picnics with them. 

- when she goes potty she looks at you and says 'here it comes Mommy!' before she pees. having some trouble with #2 in the potty. 
- compares things to herself. like- 'you got on stripes just like I got on stripes!' or ' you got a cough just like I have a cough Daddy'. or 'Minnie wears panties just like me!' 
- she says her night time prayers, on her knees at night, and always thanks God for suckers. usually blue ones. 
- she has the best heart and will look at you and say ' you ok Mommy?' if i'm sad or tired or crying 
- her current favorite songs are "woo-hoo" (Blur Song 2), Timber, Carol of the Bells (home alone), Right Round, and Bob Marley kids songs. 
- her favorite movie by far is Frozen. she says ' we don't like Prince Hans' and does thumbs down and says 'boo prince hans!' 
- she loves running to the door when Daddy comes home from work in the morning 
- her favorite foods are: steak, mango, macaroni and cheese, kiwi and popsicles. she won't eat many vegetables other than corn, and refuses to drink milk. 
- she is a water bug. at the pool she insists on jumping in the big pool with her puddle jumpers on "by myself! don't help me!". she will go under, pop back up and ask to do it again. 
- we painted her toes for the first time. which was followed by her painting daddy's toes to match :) she looked too grown up and we decided not to do this again (I told P I wasn't ready to do it yet!) 
- she got time out a few weeks ago and when we were talking to her about why she was in time out she said (in a very somber voice) " because I lost my shadow. from Peter Pan- lol 

Ainsley- you have filled our lives with love, laughs, frustrations, learning and pure joy. We could have never imagined 2 1/2 years ago how that small bundle of pink could change our lives but we are so grateful for the gift of you. We thank God every day for you and pray for you (and us) as you grow up. We love you soo much with more big hugs than we could ever give you.

1 comment:

  1. I love these posts! They are so much fun to read and remind me of the same age with my kids. So glad you're enjoying it. The kids love to hear how cousin Ainsley is too, even though Cameron asks, "is that Mackenzie?" To almost every picture :)


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