It's going so fast yet so slow at the same time:) one part of me feels like we just found out we were pregnant and the other part of me is like '7 more weeks you have to be kidding me'.
my sweet husband always says 'you look great' when he takes my pic. he's lying but I appreciate it nonetheless
Parker this week:
he is measuring around 19inches and 4.5 lbs. about the size of a honeydew melon.
my amniotic fluid is at it's max, which explains why his movements feel so much sharper and hurt so much more (ouch!)
today was an OB visit (every two weeks) but the visits are pretty uneventful. He pulls out his tape measure, measures my belly, told me 'you are right on 33 weeks'. then asked me if I had any questions. which I didn't this time:)
He did put his fingers on either side of Parker's head and showed his student what that felt like. so weird. like 'you're squeezing my baby's head!'. but he's head down and should stay like that, so that's good news.
me this week: nausea is coming back especially in mornings. I almost had to leave church sunday bc I was pretty sure breakfast wasn't staying down. but miraculously it did:)
I have gotten back on my walking routine this week- although my times are slowing down quite a bit. it's still good for my mental sanity to get out and walk a few miles though.
cravings: I don't think i have listed this one yet, but it has been a constant this pregnancy {like Subway}- Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich. yumm.
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