
Saturday, June 6, 2015

28 weeks!

Hello third trimester!! 
We celebrated this milestone by taking a 7 hour car trip to Michigan:) me and my bladder did better than either of us thought:) (to be a later post!) 
Parker this week
He is weighing in at 2.5 lbs and is 16 inches long this week (roughly the size of a cauliflower). He is still a wild man who gets hiccups very frequently. He can blink and can now have REM sleep. Although I'm not sure he sleeps long enough to know that yet;) 

Me this week: coming off my Diclegis has been rough. I was sick several times this week which I completely blame Anthem (our insurance company) for. I managed not to pack on too many pounds on our vacation. My walking has slowed down some but I am still walking every day I can, depending on Philips schedule. 
I go to OB this week for my glucose test so prayers I'm not too sweet;) 

Cravings: like I said before- McDonald's French fries are the best nausea cure out there. So I indulged several times this week. Also: chocolate milk and Subway (subway has been a consistent one all pregnancy). 

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