
Sunday, March 15, 2015

16 weeks / Gender!

we have made it to 16 weeks! the nausea is still pretty consistent and frustrating at times but I do feel like it is getting better. I think this time around i'm not hoping every day that it will get better. I know from experience now that it might not really ever go away and even then, I will survive:) 
baby this week: baby is 3-5 ounces, about the size of an avocado! I feel like it is much bigger than that based on my baby bump :) 
baby can hear us now as the bones in their ears are where they are supposed to be. They are also developing facial muscles. 
NOW, on to the good stuff! Finding out the gender! 
Let me first say, God is so good. Seeing our little baby, and seeing that so far things look healthy made our hearts soar. We would have been happy if it was a boy or girl, we feel so blessed to have another pregnancy that didn't require a lot of effort or trying. God truly is amazing in weaving this tiny little creature together in my belly, and we are so grateful for this blessing. 

Our original appointment to find out the gender was Tuesday. But upon looking at our schedules, Philip worked thur, fri, sun, monday nights. so he was going to be meeting me at the ob after working a crappy run. I didn't want to find out what we were having then him need to go to bed- that's not fun! plus, let's be honest. If they tell me I can find out at 16 weeks, i want to find out at 16 weeks. 
16 weeks and 2 days is good for me:) 
We took Ainsley along with us because we thought she would enjoy the whole experience. And she definitely did. She sat right next to me during the ultrasound but instead of looking at the massive screen it was enlarged on, she was intently watching the ultrasound probe on my belly. The tech started out saying 'well the baby is breech' and I was like oh no they aren't going to be able to tell! Then we saw the baby's face, their little hands waving at us, the loonngg legs and toes. P said he could tell at this point what he was looking at, i however was still clueless. She zoomed in on the boy parts and said the words i was hoping to hear " It's a BOY!". I started crying, P teared up. Ainsley was very concerned I was upset and I told her it was ok Mommy was just so happy. This proceeded to her repeating 'Mommy so happy' over and over all the way to dinner:) it was so cute. 
I had told Philip I needed bar food, in particular fried pickles, for dinner. Everywhere around hamburg was packed from the SEC games, so we went to the Pub for dinner. We were all so happy and excited and it was such a fun family dinner. From there we took Ainsley to get ice cream which completely made her night. 
I got "its a boy" bracelet and ainsley got "big sister" 
We haven't decided on a name yet- it's still up for debate. We had our girl name picked out for sure, but not the boy name yet. 
our announcement 
We are over the moon excited. I have felt like it was a boy since the week we got pregnant. I had dreams for 4 nights the first week that it was a boy. and I just felt like this one was a boy. I never had a feeling with Ainsley what I was having, P was the one who knew for certain it was a girl. Although he also thought this one was a boy :) Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes! 
baby boy's first clothes! thanks Nanny!!! 

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