
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Birthdays & Random

We have had quite the busy last few weeks- celebrating Joy and then my Dad's birthdays! ainsley loves helping blow out the candles :) 

For Joy's birthday I had her and Brian over, and Philip and I made corned beef hash with egg on top. I was trying to decide what to make for Joy's birthday and Philip said 'well for dinner tonight can you make corned beef hash?' and I said 'i bet your mom would love that! we will make it then'. he got upset that I wasn't making that night and he had to wait a week to eat it:) and he even gave his mom our leftovers to take home- I was shocked and proud :) but glad Joy got to enjoy for breakfast the next day! 
For my Dads birthday, Mom cooked and had everyone to their house. Ainsley was able to say 'happy birthday pop'. actually we taped it that morning and then all day that's all she said :) Her and Anna Beth got to help with the candles for his cake:) 
2 weekends ago, Philip and I got to go on a real date- dinner AND a play! We went to eat at Table 310, had an amazing dinner, and then walked to the Lexington Opera House. Elf was playing and as soon as I got word of it coming to Lexington, i got us tickets:) 
We had such a good time. Ainsley got to spend the night with Nanny and Pop, so she had a great time too :) 

It snowed last week, making both Ainsley and I very happy girls. Philip made her a snowball and all day, all she wanted was 'more snowball please' :)
eating snow this time last year/ this year:) 
so happy! 
She has become quite the social butterfly and having friends over whenever she can. 

And she is still quite the hurricane… 
We are still working on the utensil-using, but she is getting a lot better :) 
She amazes us more and more at her vocabulary and language skills. She is very polite and usually adds please to her questions. She is also spiritual and loves to say (and sign) AMEN :) She is growing up so fast it makes my heart physically hurt. 
She still loves the moon and gets really excited when she can see it from her window. If its too cloudy to see the moon she says 'moon hiding'. :) 

I have convinced my hubs to let us put the tree up this week since he works Thanksgiving and the two nights after. I told him I can't wait that long to put it up! 
So excited to get to decorate and have the tree twinkling in our new house :) 

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