
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fall Fun!

It was like we woke up last week and the pages of 'the seasons' were flipped to fall. there was no slow decrease of temperature or an easing out of summertime. Fall just showed up. In all it's wonderful glory. We love fall and personally I am loving the cooler weather. I am also thankful that Ainsley's nogoodverybadweek last week seems to be short lived. or she's taking a break for the moment. either way, she's her happy self again with only a few melt downs when she's tired or hungry. 
We met up with some friends at Boyd's Orchard Saturday morning. It was quite a chilly morning but ended up being a beautiful day. (My heart will always belong to Evan's Orchard and I always feel like such a traitor when I visit another orchard!) Ainsley had such a good time with her friends. She saw the choo-choo (aka train) and was determined to say choo-choo until I let her ride it. I knew she wouldn't ride it by herself and lucky for me my friends decided to ride with me. so yes, all of us crammed into the caboose and rode around the grounds:) She also go to chow into some apple doughnuts and play in the hay and pumpkins. 
eating doughnuts with Kalyn's class pet, Ollie 
pumpkin smuggler!  

Saturday night was Emma Wilhoite's third birthday party! It was a cowgirl theme complete with a hayride, rocking horses and pin the tail on the cow:) Ainsley loves Emma and was so excited to celebrate her! 

Anna Beth awake for the party!!! 

Poor Philip had to work all weekend, again. always missing out on the fun :(
But yesterday we made up for it and took Ainsley to the Cincinnatti Zoo! she LOVES animals and had such a good time. They even had their own choo-choo for her to ride which made her happy. But not as happy as the stuffed cheetah her Daddy bought her as a souvenir. I don't think she has let go of her Cheetah since she got it. She also tries to feed it and give it water before she eats or drinks herself. so cute:) 
did not want to touch the snake. don't blame her a bit... 

on the choo choo! 

chasing the peacock 

We had such a good time. And were thankful for extra hands to help tame the hurricane:) 
Looking forward to some quality family time this week! 
and some more pics because I take so many of them. she is just so fun right now that I am constantly amazed or laughing at the things she does every day. 
i TOLD you all she was struggling last week! 
loves holding ALL her babies 
playground date with Natalie and Mason! 
morning smiles 
off to BSF! 

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