
Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring time

Yesterday it was in the 70's and tomorrow it is going to snow. mother nature, we need to talk. 
Ainsley LOVES being outside, and we spend a lot of days outside playing. she doesn't understand 'it's too cold' when she is standing at the door pointing at her playhouse:) 
my cousin tiffany came in for her kids spring break, we loved spending time with all of them! 
AJ treated all the kids to Monkey Joe's! mass chaos and they loved it 
chillin in Nana's swing 
Auntie Jo and all her kids:) 
Mom can we go swing?? 
play date at the arboretum 
even the fur babies love being outside 
This beautiful weather has brought our tree in the front yard to bloom too. and it is GORGEOUS. the woman who sold us this house texted me and said 'is that tree blooming yet? it's my favorite part of spring!' so I send her pictures of it. 
ainsley picked 'flowers' for GG's birthday 
I love spring. it's a time for things to transform and be made new. And the perfect celebration of that is Easter. In my bible study we are learning about how Jesus knowingly and willingly went to the cross. Each week we take apart scripture and learn about Jesus' life, teachings and heart, from Matthew. This past week was how Jesus wept on the mountain asking God if he really had to go to the cross. stating 'not my will but yours', three times. He knew this was his fate and he wept for it. His humanity was never so evident. But he accepted God's plan for his life. It humbles me to realize what Jesus knew was coming; the humiliation, the suffering, the pain; and yes he still did it willingly. And yet I question even the small things God asks me to do in my daily life. 
I am so grateful for the love Jesus poured out on that cross for us. I can't fathom sending your child on such a mission; for each one of us. My heart is not that big not selfless. I wish it was though. 
This week I am reflecting on how big Jesus' love was/is. and having a heart that is joyful for that. 

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