
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

What a great Easter we had this year. The only thing that would have made it better was if Philip had been off to celebrate the day with us. We missed him, a lot. 
But luckily,  the easter bunny didn't come until Philip got home from work this morning :) 
yes that is a baby fedora hat

We managed to snap a few pics before we left for church and Philip went to bed:) 

We went to our church this morning and it was such a great service. I know I have said it before but Jon really is just such a talented minister. and the worship team never disappoints. I am so grateful I have somewhere to go each week and worship God and be challenged. 

From there we went to Georgetown where Mom made a delicious Easter lunch. Ainsley of course got visited by the easter bunny there, several times:) 

My Aunt Annie put on an easter egg hunt for Ainsley, Emma and Kennedy (emma's cousin on the other side). She gave each girl a specific color basket and they could only 'find' eggs in that color. it was such a good idea, and Ainsley even caught on! 

she LOVES peeps… 

Aunt Annie was so thoughtful in the things she put in each girls eggs. Ainsley got several necklaces, peeps, stickers, nail polish, hair bands, baby chicks, and candy. She loves the necklaces the most and in fact wouldn't' let me take them off of her for her bath tonight. 
We got home in time to provide Philip with a full Easter dinner (left overs but still yummy all the same). and to give him the recap of our eventful day :) I love my family so much and am so grateful for each one of them. 

The past week Ainsley has been passing out 'carrots' to her friends 
cheddar bunnies 
And for today I made these cute little nests for desserts 

One of my good friends Hunter got baptized today and I am overjoyed for her. Several times a year our church does baptisms in the pond on one of their campuses. This is where Philip got baptized so it holds a special place in my heart. And now even moreso that Hunter got baptized there today. 
Now THIS is what Easter is all about. Giving your life to someone who gave theirs for you, over 2000 years ago. Choosing to follow someone who loves you more than you can ever fathom. Entering into a relationship with someone who knit you in your mother's womb. 
My heart is filled with joy this Easter. Jesus has become so much more to me through BSF, making this year a much different one for me. So thankful and humbled by what was done on that cross, for me. for you. 

Happy Easter to each one of you:) 

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